Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine

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Liked by rorynightingale, dru_michael and 58,497 others

sam_fender Seventeen Going Under OOT NOW. Can't wait for yous to hear the rest of the album!

View all 947 comments

username1 This song is 🔥

username2 Awesome song!

rorynightingale Such an amazing song, I'm so proud of you🤍
sam_fender Thank you darling🤍

deanedwardthompson What a tune x

username5 All of his mates being in the video omg😭
username6 My heart STOPPED when I saw Rory🙈

harlowbradley The boy who kicked Tom's head in still bugs ME now
tomcurrtis Yeah, me too...

username7 Makes you hurt the ones who love you. Did you mean: Aurora Nightingale?
username8 Did you mean: Sam Fender's girlfriend?

username9 Song of the summer this🔥

username10 You can't convince me that Rory and Sam aren't back together🥹


rorynightingale Apparently you can't be friends with your ex anymore without everyone thinking you're back together😂
rorynightingale Yes, we had a relationship a long time ago but it ended. Sam is my best friend. Rumours like this are so detrimental to our friendship so please stop assuming we're dating
samfendermusic Mam was really excited for a minute😂 I think she misses you, give the lass a call would ya?
rorynightingale Tell her I've got some time off next week so I'll pop around then x
samfendermusic Why do you always have time off when I'm busy?🙄🙄
rorynightingale Because I plan accordingly😌
samfendermusic It's fine, not like I care anyway😐
rorynightingale Keep telling yourself that Sammy
samfendermusic I thought we agreed you'd stop calling me Sammy when we were 15😐
rorynightingale No, you threatened to tell my dad I was smoking if I didn't stop calling you Sammy. Which he knows now, SAMMY😌
samfendermusic Two can play that game, Scarlett
rorynightingale I got over that when I was 16 mate x
username1 Why does he call you Scarlett?
samfendermusic Cause she's got the worst temperament ever. I was actually scared of her when we first met😂
rorynightingale I do not!
deanedwardthompson Rory, you almost bit Sam's head off before cause he ate your chocolate😂
rorynightingale And he learned his lesson
samfendermusic Yes I did😬
username2 Rory smokes?? What?? I'm sorry but I just can't imagine her smoking
rorynightingale I used to, I had some bad influences😐
deanedwardthompson *cough* Sam *cough*
samfendermusic You can't blame me for your dirty habits!!
rorynightingale I can and I will🫡
deanedwardthompson Yous were both as bad as each other🙄
rorynightingale Watch yourself Deano, I know a lot about you and all pet x
deanedwardthompson Is that a warning?🤨
rorynightingale I'll tell everyone the party story🤷🏼‍♀️
deanedwardthompson NO PLEASE DON'T!!
harlowbradley Do it Rora😌
username3 What's the party story?😂
deanedwardthompson Rory don't you dare!
rorynightingale Me, Sam, Dean and Harls went to a party when we were teens before Dean and Harlow got together and Dean got SO drunk that he started crying over her😂
deanedwardthompson I thought we agreed we wouldn't talk about that!!😭
samfendermusic What a night it was🤣
rorynightingale Yeah, especially when you told me you loved me for the first time and then threw up on me🙂
samfendermusic RORY
username4 He THREW UP on you after he told you he loved you??
samfendermusic It wasn't my greatest moment😬
username5 Rory getting her revenge is what I live for
rorynightingale They forget I know all their secrets😂


"Fancy seeing you here," a soft voice pulled me from my thoughts. I blinked twice, tearing my gaze from the crashing waves to the girl that had spoken to me. Rory.

"Hello," I smiled as I tilted my head to stare up at her standing above me.

"Can I sit?" she asked.

My eyebrows furrowed at her question. "Of course yer can," I told her, patting the soft sand beside me. The corners of her lips tugged into a smile as she settled beside me, mirroring my position with her knees pulled up to her chest. "Y'alreet, darlin'?"

"Aye, I'm alreet," she nodded. "It's been a long few months like but y'kna... what about yer? How yer feeling after everything? The new songs doing so well."

"It's scary," I admitted earnestly. "I've never had this kind of attention, I dunna what to do about it all like."

"It's a good thing, Sam," she laughed lightly, bumping her shoulder into mine. As much as I tried to stop it, I couldn't help but jolt at the action. It seemed that little bit of contact I had with her had that sort of effect on me lately, especially since we had made up. I had to stop myself from just pulling her into my arms every time as much as I yearned to do so. "You're doing so well."

"Nowt on yer though," I chuckled.

"We're not talking about me though," she grumbled, rolling her eyes playfully at my comment.

The corners of my mouth tugged upwards. "I'd rather be talking about yer though," I shrugged before turning serious. "Er, Rory..."

"Hmm?" she hummed as she turned her head, her crystal blue eyes falling on me. "What is it, Sam?"

I blinked thrice as I tried to pull myself from the enticement her eyes had me trapped in but they were so beautiful, I just couldn't help it. I cleared my throat loudly, "Yer... yer haven't told me much about after... things ended."

"What about it?" she frowned, laying her ear on her arms that were wrapped around her knees.

"How you were like," I mumbled as I turned my gaze to the ocean in front of us, desperately trying to hide the guilt I felt. It cut like a knife.

"Sam..." she trailed. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"I want to know," I told her firmly, although it was more to convince myself than her. "The good and the bad."

"It weren't pretty," she whispered.

I swallowed thickly, "It's alreet, I can handle it." I wasn't sure I could.

"Er, I didn't leave my flat for a while," she gulped. "Didn't speak to anyone, didn't really leave my bed. Dad came down 'cause he got so worried, made me promise to gan see someone, which helped. I was just in a really bad place mentally."

"I-I'm sorry," I choked as my heart tugged painfully.

"Hey, don't blame yourself," she frowned, placing her hand atop of mine. I tensed at the touch. "I'm better now and we're in a better place. That's all that matters."

"I know but-"

"Sam," she huffed lightly. "Stop it."

"I can't help it," I muttered, my jaw clenching in annoyance.

"This is why I didn't wanna tell ya," she sighed. "You're way too overcritical of yourself, yer always have been and it only makes ya feel worse about everything. I don't blame yer for any of it, Sam. You shouldn't either."

"I know," I mumbled guiltily.

"Come 'ere," she murmured, opening her arms for me to fall into, which I did without argument. I would take all the chances I had to be close to her. It was a privilege that I took for granted before and if I ever got the chance, I wouldn't ever again.

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