Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three

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I hadn't told the boys what happened back at the studio, none of them the wiser to our incident. I just couldn't bring myself to share the fact, partly out of embarrassment and partly because I couldn't bare to hear their encouragements anymore.

Rory and I hadn't spoken since the kiss nor had we seen each other. It was like she was purposefully avoiding me. The night I was dreading had arrived though. Harlow's birthday. It meant that there was no more hiding from me.

The lads and I had gone for a few drinks beforehand in the Low Lights whilst the girls would be getting ready, meeting them at some club Harlow had chosen in the city. Of course, as always, they were running late, probably far too engrossed in their gossiping. I had no doubt Rory had spilt every little detail of what had happened, which meant Dean would soon know. Who would then reveal it to the entire group. He was loose-lipped at the best of times, never mind when he had a few.

"There yous are!" Dean huffed over the loud music as the birthday girl settled herself in his lap, clearly already heavily under the influence. Just like Rory, Jess and Heidi. "Yer told us half eight!"

"We got distracted, alreet?" she giggled, curling her left hand around the drink Dean had already gotten her, her engagement ring glinting from the strobe lights. Her other hand tangled itself in his hair as she pressed her glossy lips against his stubbled cheek.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help my eyes from drifting over to the reason for my sleepless nights. To be fair, I Iasted a solid five minutes, which was definitely a record for me. It felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs as I drank her in. She was clad in a tight, black sparkly dress with a plunging v-cut that emphasised her cleavage, stirring something deep within me. Her long, blonde locks had been curled to perfection, splaying over her shoulders and down her back whilst her makeup was simple but effective, her crystal blue eyes made all the more striking by her dark eye makeup.

I shifted in my seat as I desperately tried to tear my gaze from her before she noticed I was staring, swallowing thickly and catching my bottom lip between my teeth, biting down hard.

"Y'alreet, Sam? Yer look a bit pale," Jess commented with a concerned frown, the mother of the group as always.

I forced a laugh as I dragged my eyes away from my ex-love. "Aha, I'm just pasty as fuck!" I coughed. I felt Rory's eyes on me and restrained myself from meeting them, instead picking up my drink and taking several large gulps. Suddenly, I wasn't as drunk as I wanted to be.

"Me and Heids are gan get a drink," Rory announced, more to the others than to me but I felt myself nodding subconsciously anyway. My eyes followed her as she and Tom's little sister stalked over to the bar to order their drinks. I almost choked as the palm of a hand came down heavily on my back, which stung at the collision.

"Yer've got it bad, mate," Drew smiled sympathetically.

"W-what?" I spluttered but the group all wore knowing smiles. I scowled, "Oh, shut up."

"Just wise up and ask her oot, for fuck's sake!" Joe groaned.

"As if she'd say yeah even if I did," I huffed, eyes flickering over to the bar. I bristled as I watched her in conversation with some lad I recognised briefly from school, her head tipping back in laughter at something he said. My jaw twitched with jealousy and I couldn't help my lip from curling into a snarl.

"Careful, Samuel," Harlow smirked. "Green's not your colour."

"Piss off, Harl," I hissed.

"Ya've got no one to blame but yourself," Tom told me gravely. "It's not like we haven't told yer to make your move."

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