Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three

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"What's gan on?" Tom asked as met the clueless looks of his friends gathered around my living room.

"What d'ya mean what's gan on?" his girlfriend snorted as she sent him a bemused look.

"Well, why have Rory asked us 'round hers? Usually, if we want a drink, we'll go down the Low Lights!" Tom exclaimed.

"Tom's got a point actually," Jess agreed as she turned to me with curious eyes. "Why are we here, Rora?"

"My money weren't on Tom figuring it oot, that's for sure," I snorted, mostly to myself but my gaze met Sam's for a split second, sharing an amused look.

"So, yer did bring us here for a reason?" Heidi frowned, studying me closely as she tried to work out the reason.

"Aye, I was wondering why yer'd invited the boys," Harlow commented, earning a chorus of whines from the boys in question.

"Yeah, I did," I giggled quietly. "Er, there's sommat I wanted to tell yous."

"Oh, god," Dean groaned. "You're not pregnant, are yer?"

"Pregnant?" Joe cackled. "She'd have to sleep with someone first."

"I'm not pregnant, thanks," I scowled, batting Joe over the head with the palm of my hand.

"Ow!" he whined as he rubbed his scalp and stared at me, shocked that I had actually hit him.

"Yer deserved that'n," Harlow laughed.

"You're not dying, are you?" the other Tom asked nonchalantly.

"No!" I groaned loudly.

"Don't tell me you're moving back to London!" Heidi gasped in alarm.

It was like a chain reaction, the hoard of people in the room rebounding off each other, causing absolute carnage.

"No!" Jess protested. "Nee chance!"

"Yer can't go back! We'll never bloody see ya!" Drew pouted.

"Calm down, I'm not moving back to London!" I huffed, rolling my eyes at their dramatics and holding my palm against my forehead. "Would yous all just shut the fuck up and let me tell yous?"

"Reet," Heidi flushed, burying her head in her boyfriend's shoulder in embarrassment.

"Yous have made this harder than it needed to be," I grumbled, running a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Well, ceemon then," Joe snorted. "Yer wanted to tell us sommat."

"Actually..." Sam piped up from the adjacent sofa but Tom was quick to interject.

"Urgh, Sam, now's not the time. I'm sure yer can tell us whatever it is yer need to tell us after Rory's made her announcement," Tom told him, giving his friend the tiniest of acknowledgements before turning his attention back to me. "Go on, Rora."

I couldn't help the laughter that fell from my lips, eyes glimmering with amusement as they met Sam's, whose own were full of shock. "Well, that's yer told, babe," I snickered.

"I'm sorry," Drew coughed. "Babe?"

Sam's shocked expression contorted into that of bemusement at his friend's expense as he stood and crossed the room to meet me. "Mhmm," he nodded, taking hold of my hand in his before turning to the multiple pairs of expectant eyes studying us. "Er, we wanted to tell yous that..."

I felt Sam's gaze on me, filled with adoration and a hint of begging. "We're back together again," I smiled, letting my head loll against his thick bicep.

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