Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Three

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"Someone actually pinch me," I said as I drank in my surroundings in awe.

"Happily," Harlow grinned, making a beeline towards me and pinching me as hard as she possibly could on the most sensitive spot under my arm before I could even protest.

"Ow! Harlow!" I gasped in pain, ripping my arm away from her and staring at her in disbelief. "Yer just pinched me!"

"Yer asked me to!" she exclaimed.

"It was a figure of speech!" I scoffed.

Rory, deep in conversation with Dean beside us, only pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head at us. "That was your own fault, Sam, ya shouldn't have said it," she told me humorously.

"She pinched me!" I protested.

"Yer should know her by now!" she told me. "And if yer don't then... well, that's your own fault."

"Wow," I gaped, folding my arms across my chest like a grumpy child.

"How does it feel that you're gan have two bairns at home in four months' time?" Heidi teased.

"Oi, zip it you," I scowled, pushing her playfully.

"Oi, watch it you," Rory mimicked, telling me off sternly as she pulled Heidi under her arm protectively. "Hurt my lil' poppet and I'll kick your head in."

"Why does my missus prefer everyone else over us?" I huffed.

"If yer could meet yourself, you'd understand," Harlow commented slyly.

"Rory!" I whined.

"Having this kid's gan be a breeze," Rory snorted. "It's not gan be harder than dealing with him, that's for sure."

"This is abuse!" I protested loudly.

"Oh, shut up, Sam," Tom cackled, slapping his hand down on my shoulder, harder than he usually would, coaxing a loud grunt from my lips.

"On that note," I scowled, shoving my friend away from me. "I'm gan find Declan."

"Don't go too far, Sam," Owain warned.

I scoffed, "I know, I know! I've got ages before I'm on."

"Just make sure you're back before eight," he told me.

"Yes, dad," I snorted. I moved closer to Rory, pressing a soft kiss against her temple. "Are yer gan stay here?"

"Nah, I'm gan go with Heids," she smiled. "Can't be missing her set now, can I?"

"You're gan watch side stage, isi?" I asked as I brushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Well..." she trailed.

"Nee chance!" I interjected immediately, my stomach dropping at the thought of my pregnant girlfriend in a busy crowd.

"Sam," she groaned, resting her hands against my shoulders as she tipped her head back. "I'll be fine."

"No way, Rory," I told her firmly, my hands grasping her hips. "You're five months pregnant."

"It's fine!" she assured me.

"What's the matter?" Tom inquired, having heard our disagreement.

"Nowt," Rory scowled.

"Rory wants to watch Heidi's set from the crowd. Tell her, mate," I huffed.

"It's not really the best idea, Pip," he frowned.

"I'll be fine, Tom!" she protested. "Besides, you and Dean will be there with me."

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