Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six

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None of the boys could understand why I had been in such a good mood but they had absolutely no insight into the reason as to why. I couldn't stop grinning since my date with Rory on Monday and hadn't snapped at a single person. It was a new record for me, so obviously my friends were suspicious. Especially Dean. But my lips were tight as a vice. Eventually, they all just chalked it up to the excitement of the festival season.

Reading and Leeds had come around faster than I knew, the travel down to Reading passing in a blur. The bus was filled with a mixture of laughter and light chatter and a hint of longing every time I caught Rory's eye but I thought we hid it quite well. None of my friends had any suspicions, which was good.

"Boys, we're in fuckin' Reading!" I grinned, holding my arms out wide in a gesture to the mass of fields surrounding us, filled with herds of people.

"What the fuck like?" Joe gleamed as he jumped on my back.

A fond smile cracked across Rory's face as she watched our interaction and shook her head fondly. "Well, we'll just leave yous do your own thing," she snorted, meeting my eyes subtly one last time with her bottom lip pulled between her teeth, looping an arm in Harlow's and Heidi's and dragging them away.

"Don't go far," Tom chided as Joe's feet hit the ground, more towards Rory and Heidi than Harlow. Jess hadn't been able to join us, having been stuck at work, not that she would have listened to her boyfriend either way.

"I'm not a baby anymore, Tom," Heidi huffed over her shoulder.

"Rora's twenty-five and he still babies her," I heard Harlow laugh. My eyes flickered towards Tom, who was grumbling something under his breath.

"They won't listen, mate," Dean chuckled, slapping a hand down on Tom's back. "I dunna why yer even bother."

"They're a fuckin' nightmare, all of them," he groaned. "And altogether? Asking for disaster like."

"They always have been," I commented with a fond smile.

"Aye, I remember having to pick 'em up from a night oot in the Toon," Tom recalled. "How any of them made it to my car, I've nee clue!"

"God, I remember that. Rory threw up all over my bedroom floor," I cringed. "It was fuckin' liftin'!"

"It coulda been worse, Harls threw up all over me!" Dean exclaimed.

"Rancid," Drew gagged.

"I hope yous are all ready," Owain grinned, patting me on the back as he joined the group.

"We're fuckin' bouncing, ain't we, lads?" I gleaned.

"Lush, 'cause yous're on in about an hour," he informed us. "Please don't go far, I don't want a repeat of TRNSMT."

I chuckled as I recalled the Glasgow festival we attended a few years back when Drew and I wandered off and got lost before our set but that wasn't even the worst part. When we finally found our way backstage, none of the security would let us through. They didn't believe that we were one of the performers.

It was funny looking back but at the time, it sent my anxiety soaring as neither of us had our phones to contact Owain or any of the others to come to rescue us. We were just lucky another security guard recognised me as he walked past or we would have missed the entire set.

"Trust me, I learnt my lesson," I snorted. "Keep my artist pass on me at all times!"

Owain scowled, "Disappear, I swear, and I'm calling Harlow."

"God, please don't," I gulped, a shudder running through me as flashes of Harlow's past lectures flitted through the forefront of my mind and I had my fair share of them, that was for sure!

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