Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight

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"Sam, pet, would yer keep still already?" I giggled as I placed my hand over his knee to stop it from bouncing furiously.

"I'm sorry," he gulped, sucking his bottom lips between his teeth. "I'm just a bit nervous."

"About what?" I asked in disbelief. I shuffled around so I was perched in his lap, my knees on either side of his legs and my arms encircling his shoulders.

"Y'kna what," he mumbled, dropping his chin as his hands instinctively caught my hips.

"You're gan have to help us oot 'cause the only thing ya could possibly be nervous about is Get You Down coming oot and that would be absurd," I told him sternly. His eyebrow raised as he peered up at me through his thick eyelashes with terrified eyes. "Why yer nervous about that? The crowds bloody loved it at Reading and Leeds and Neighbourhood! And they're gan love it now, alreet?"

"I know but..." he sighed. "The world hates me for what I did to yer and the song's about you. They're gan tear us a new one."

"Hey," I called softly, grasping the side of his face and tilting his head up so he was looking at me. "It's gan be fine. The song's class and if anyone don't think that, then they're a bunch of fuckin' doylems, alreet?" I watched as Sam nodded meekly, letting my thumb brush his cheek lightly. "Come 'ere."

I dipped my head to close the gap between us, letting our lips connect in a slow, sensual kiss. His grip on my hips tightened as a low moan escaped his lips, pulling me closer than I thought was physically possible. It was like all his fears had dissipated when my lips touched his, his body melted under my touch.

"How d'yer do that?" he asked breathlessly, staring up at me like I had hung the stars.

A smile pulled at my lips. "Do what?" I laughed lightly.

"Make all my problems go away," he replied, brushing his thumbs over my hipbones. "Nowt matters when you're around."

"Ah, don't make me cry now," I mumbled, hiding my face in my hands and burying myself in the crook of Sam's neck.

Immediately, he reached for my hands and tried to pry them away. "Ceemon now, don't go hiding that pretty lil' face," he grinned.

"Sam," I whined, desperately trying and failing to bat him away from me. In no time, he had pinned my arms at my sides, leaving me nowhere else to hide.

"There she is," he smirked.

"I hate yer, y'kna," I scowled as I feebly tried to wiggle from his grasp.

"Maybe but now I get to see your gorgeous face," he gleamed.

"Stop it," I flushed, my face growing warming at his relentless compliments.

"Never." His grin widened, head resting against the back of the sofa as he stared up at me. I momentarily got lost in his glistening baby blues, catching my bottom lip in my teeth as a subconscious smile grew. I was only pulled from my daze when his phone rang loudly. "Sorry, darlin'," he mumbled with an apologetic smile as he fished his phone from his pocket. "It's Owain."

"Answer it," I laughed quietly, playing with the drawstring of his hoodie to occupy myself whilst he was on the phone.

"Areet?" he greeted, holding the phone to his ear, his fingers drawing shapes on my thigh. "Aye... just on me own like..." I pressed my lips together tightly at his words, a mischievous smirk tugging at my lips. Sam was otherwise preoccupied with the phone call from his manager and had completely missed it. I dipped my head into the crook of his neck, pressing a multitude of short kisses against his skin that gradually began lasting longer. I felt Sam's breath catch as he tried to listen intently to Owain's words, clearing his throat loudly before speaking again. "I-I am d-dreading it a... a bit like... Nah, I-I'm fine, really." He let out a quiet groan, quickly pulling the phone away from his ear so Owain wouldn't hear and tightening his grip on my thigh. "I'm sorry, Ow, I've got to go. I-I'll speak to yer later, reet? Tarra!"

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