Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine

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"Have yet got everything?" Sam asked me for what felt like the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. "Not forgetting owt?"

"Sam, babe, I'm trying really hard not to snap at yer reet now," I told him earnestly. "My hormones are everywhere, I've been up all night being sick and I'm dying for a bloody pee but I can't go 'cause of this stupid fuckin' appointment, so please can yer stop asking us if I've got everything? I've got me, that's all I need."

"I'm sorry," he gulped. "I'm just nervous, s'all."

"I know," I smiled gently, taking his hand in mine and squeezing it gently. "Everything's gan be fine. We're gan have wor scan and we're gan see baby Fender on the screen, get some nice lil' pictures for yer to keep in your wallet."

"Can I?" he questioned excitedly.

I snorted, "Of course yer can." His excitement was contagious and I found myself itching to be at the appointment already. It was sweet watching his giddiness. "Ceemon, we'd better get gan or were gan be late like."

"Shit, is that the time already?" he cursed as he checked the time on his phone, his eyes widening at the realisation.

"Sam, calm down," I chuckled. "We've got plenty of time, alreet? We just need to leave now."

"Reet," he murmured, pulling me towards the front door.

"Reet," he murmured, pulling me towards the front door

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"Hiya... Aurora?" the midwife greeted with a maternal smile.

"That's me," I nodded. "Please, call me Rory."

"Hiya, Rory," she beamed. "I'm Rosalie and I'm gan be your midwife."

"Lush to meet yer," I smiled. "This is Sam, my boyfriend."

"Alreet?" Rosalie asked warmly.

"Hiya," Sam replied nervously.

"He's not usually this quiet," I teased, nudging his arm slightly. "He's more nervous than I am."

"That's quite alreet. It's more common than yer think for dad to be more nervous," she assured me. "If yer want to just lie down for me."

"Of course," I mumbled. Sam offered me his arm, helping me onto the padded bed silently.

Rosalie turned, grabbing what I assumed was the ultrasound gel before facing me once more. "Could yer lift your shirt up for me please, pet?" she instructed. I did as I was told without a word, pulling my top up just underneath the bottom of my bra. Sam stood on the opposite side to Rosalie, a comforting hand resting on the crown of my head. "Reet, this might be a little cold."

"Jesus," I gasped, taking Sam's free hand in mine as I was shocked by the chill of the gel on my bare skin.

"I'm sorry," she apologised sheepishly.

"Nah, it's alreet, I just weren't expecting it to be that cold, s'all," I assured her with a smile as she pressed the probe against my stomach, moving it about until she could find a baby-shaped blob on the screen.

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