Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven

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"I still can't believe yer didn't tell me they broke up!" I hissed at Harlow.

"Yer didn't ask," she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Yer flat oot told us they were still together!" I protested.

"I alluded to it," she told me as she sipped on her pint.

"Alluded my fuckin' arse," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest to convey my annoyance.

"Sam, yer can't blame her, mate. Yer dropped the song on Rory without any warning," Tom sighed, his arm wrapped around Jess' waist. "It wasn't fair on her."

"There was nowt wrong with it!" I huffed as my lips pulled into a tight line.

"It was a bit dickish," Drew said with Joe nodding in agreement beside him.

"Areet, can we talk about sommat else?" I scowled, taking a few big gulps of the Guinness in front of me.

Dean let out a loud snort, "Mate, you're the one who brought it up."

Just as I was about to open my mouth I was interrupted by Jess clearing her throat loudly. "Hiya, Rory," she grinned.

My heart began racing as I turned my head slightly, my eyes locking with a crystal blue pair that stole the air from my lungs. "Hi," I whispered reluctantly, unsure of how to play the situation. Were we okay? Or were we far from it?

"Hi," she smiled softly, her eyes flickering towards me as her bottom lip got caught between her teeth. "Happy birthday, Sam."

"Cheers, darlin'," I thanked her, freezing when I caught my words. "Er, sorry."

"It's alreet," she assured me quietly but I could tell she was rather uncomfortable by the way she rocked on her heels. "Er, guys, this is Lewis. Lew, ya've already met most of the lads. That's Harlow, Dean's girlfriend, Jess and her boyfriend Tom."

"Another Tom? Jesus, am gonna get well confused," he teased, nodding to the others in greeting. A wide grin spread across his lips as he slapped a hand down onto my shoulder, pulling a short 'oomph' from my lips. "Happy birthday, pal."

"Cheers, mate," I smiled, my eyes trained on Rory as she took a seat next to Dean, right in my line of sight. "Finally made it to Shields then."

"Aye, Rory's been begging me for a while now and when she mentioned it was your birthday, I decided what a perfect time to taunt you about losing to me at the BRITs," he smirked as he settled next to me.

"She did?" I asked in surprise, unable to stop my attention from being pulled in her direction. In my surprise, I didn't even acknowledge the latter part of his sentence, which he would most definitely pick up on.

"Huh? Oh... yeah," she flushed, shying away from my piercing gaze. Not in the way I was hoping but instead in an attempt to avoid me. I felt Lewis' eyes flitting between us as he tried to figure out what was going on. "Er, I'm gan get a drink. Lew, what yer drinking?"

"Same as always, please," he grinned.

"Areet," she nodded, patting his head teasingly and dodging his swats as she headed to the bar, my eyes lingering on her retreating form.

As soon as she was out of earshot, his head whipped around towards me. "The fuck is going on with you pair?" he demanded, ripping me from my daze.

"I dunna what yer mean, mate," I replied, shrugging off his concerns as nothing when in reality, his question was one that plagued my mind every single day.

"Sam's an idiot and Rory's stubborn as fuck, that's what's gan on," Harlow scoffed. I shot her a glare, my mouth hanging open slightly at her announcement. "It's not like I'm lying, dickhead. Someone's got to tell yer the truth like and y'kna I'm not gan coddle ya."

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