Chapter Forty Seven

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The summer holidays were flying by, much quicker than I anticipated, but I wasn't complaining. I was more than ready for autumn to come. Don't get me wrong, I loved the summer. No school to worry about, more time to spend with Sam and my friends, but summer also meant sun. And heat. And fewer clothes. I hated it. If I could get away with wearing a jumper for the rest of August, I would, but it was too suspicious, so I just took up running and intensified my diet instead. It was a foolproof plan.

My dad and I had gone to visit our family down in South Shields for a week around about two weeks before I started back to school. I didn't see them as often as I would like and so, I suggested going to stay with my aunt Emily to my dad.

"Emmie!" I squealed, launching myself into her arms.

"Ah, my favourite niece!" she grinned, tightening her arms around me.

"I'm your only niece," I snorted, groaning as she squeezed me tightly.

"Exactly! Here let's look at ya," she rambled, pulling away to study me, holding my cheeks in her palms. "Beautiful!"

"Emmie," I mumbled in embarrassment, scrunching my nose up at her words.

"Ya are though!" she gushed, squeezing my cheeks like I was a baby. "I see ya've not brought that boyfriend of yours."

"I swear ya love Sam more than ya love me," I grumbled playfully.

"He's cute! And he plays guitar," she teased.

"I play guitar," I laughed.

"Do ya?" she asked nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes at her and shoved her arm jokingly. She snorted, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and tugging me into her side. "C'mon, your nana's dying to see ya."

The three of us made our way inside my nana and granddad's house which was currently filled with my family. In the living room, my nana was settled on the sofa next to my granddad, who had my cousins, Robyn and Amelia in his lap. They were twins and were only four, but they were the cutest pair ever. My dad's brother, Tom and his wife, Laura occupied the other sofa with their three boys, Jack, Marcus and Levi, who were fourteen, eleven and six respectively. My uncle Nate, Emily's husband was in the kitchen, well, I had assumed he was anyway, probably making tea for everyone knowing how much tea my nana drank.

"There she is!" my nana grinned, practically jumping off the sofa to embrace me.

"Cheers, mam," my dad grumbled sarcastically, although his grumpiness soon dissipated when Robyn and Amelia launched themselves at him.

"Uncle Jamie!" they squealed as he lifted the two of them into his arms, settling one on each hip.

"Hello, yous," he grinned, placing a sloppy kiss on their cheeks. I laughed at their disgusted ew's followed by them rubbing away the marks with the back of their hands as I separated from my nan, soon handed off to the next person for a hug. My granddad, aunts, uncle and younger cousins were all eager to give me hugs, Jack and Marcus, on the other hand, were not. It was for that reason that I made sure to squeeze Levi and the twins extra tight as I knew that one day, they wouldn't want to know me. Teenagers.

"How's school been, pet?" my nana asked as I settled on the sofa between her and my granddad.

"She did class in her GCSEs, mam," my dad gushed, sitting on the armchair in the corner of the room and occupying the twins. "Didn't ya, love?"

"My results weren't that good, dad," I blushed furiously.

"What, three C's, four B's and an A?" he gaped. "I was lucky to pass my exams when I was in school!"

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