Chapter Sixty

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"Alreet?" Harlow grinned as she swung the door open, pulling me into a tight hug, mindful of the bag thrown over my shoulder. She had invited me and Jess around hers for a sort of girls' night, just the three of us.

"Hi," I smiled, squeezing her tightly. I pulled away from her, following behind her as she made her way up to her room.

"Hello," Jess beamed from her place on the floor, which had been set up with a bunch of pillows and blankets. It was quite cute really and it looked very comfortable.

"What, am I late or sommat?" I joked as I plopped myself down by Jess and threw my arms around her.

"Well, I did say to come 'round at half five," Harlow teased as she joined us on the floor.

"I'm sorry some of us are busy like," I grumbled sarcastically but the smile on my face told the two girls I was joking.

"Aye, we did see your new video on YouTube," Jess laughed.

"Stupid fuckin' wifi was slow, would've been here earlier otherwise," I huffed.

"Yeah, reet," Harlow snorted.

"What's that s'pposed to mean?" I gaped at her.

"Babe, ya wouldn't be on time if it could save your life!" she chuckled, squealing as I grabbed a pillow from beside me and chucked it at her. "Oi!"

"Cheeky git," I laughed.

"She's got a point, Rora," Jess chortled.

"Take her side, why don't ya?" I scoffed, picking up another pillow and throwing it at her face.

"Sorry, I'm an honest lady," she giggled. Harlow and I whipped our heads around so we were staring at each other before bursting into laughter. "What?"

"A lady," I cackled, clutching my stomach.

"Oh, hush!" she scowled playfully.

"Ah," Harlow muttered, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen from her eye during her laughing fit. "I've got to say, we have so much more fun when the lads ain't here."

"Aw, leave them alone," she teased.

"Who wants to listen to their footie talk all the time? Not me!" I snorted.

"At least you can make sense of their music talk. Me and Harls ain't got a fuckin' clue!" she pointed out.

"True," I laughed.

"What d'ya think Sam's gan do now he's left school?" Jess asked quietly. It had been almost a month now since Sam had dropped out and he had upped his hours at the Low Lights and the call centre he worked at as well as taking any gigs around the small town that would be offered to him.

"I dunna," I sighed. "He's working more but he can't just work in a pub for the rest of his life."

"Is he happier at least?" Harlow inquired. She didn't show it very often but she did care for Sam, not that she would admit it to his face. Of course, she did. He was her friend at the end of the day, even if he was an idiot sometimes.

"He seems to be," I told her earnestly, drawing my knees up to my chest. "He's doing more gigs and I can tell he loves it. It's what he wants to do for the rest of his life but the music business is a massive gamble."

"He's class, though. He's got more talent than half the shite artists in the charts reet now," Jess scoffed.

"Aye, difference is they've got money," I muttered. "Ya don't get anywhere unless ya know someone, that's the harsh reality of it."

"What about you?" Harlow questioned.

"What about me?" I frowned.

"Aye, don't you wanna pursue music? As a career like," she pondered.

"I'd love to, but the chances of it taking off are fuck all," I muttered in deflation.

"But what about your YouTube channel? Ya've got loads of subscribers!" Jess pointed out.

"Without a label or a shit-load of money, I've got no chance," I scoffed bitterly. I didn't know why I was getting so worked up over it, I had long accepted that my dream of being a singer was practically impossible. "Don't matter anyway, I've got my backup plan... Well, just my normal plan. No point getting my hopes up."

"Well, I reckon you're gan make it big one day! You just watch, this time in five years, ya'll be massive. The next Taylor Swift I think," Jess grinned.

"The girl who's known for writing breakup songs? Don't wish that upon her, for fuck sake, Jess," Harlow teased.

"Leave Taylor Swift alone, I like her songs," I scowled. "Besides, she doesn't just write breakup songs, I mean have ya heard Tied Together With a Smile?"

"Oh, potato, potato," she groaned.

I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm just gan focus on my A-levels and hopefully, I'll get into uni."

"Reet, now you're just being stupid! If ya don't get into uni, I'll eat my arm," Jess snorted.

"You're a special one, you, Jess," I laughed, shaking my head at her words.

"What?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Nothing, pet," Harlow chuckled, patting her arm assuringly.

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