Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine

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"Rory Nightingale, congratulations," the interviewer, who had introduced herself as Kirsten grinned. "Best solo act and best song in the world, how do you feel?"

"It's a bit mad," I chuckled softly into the microphone that was held firmly in my grip, the two awards tucked under my arm. "It ain't registered really. Probably won't for another few weeks."

"The Voices are Me is one of my favourite songs of all time," she commented. "What was going through your mind when you were writing it?"

"I've struggled a lot with my mental health issues from quite a young age... battling with an eating disorder and body image issues at sixteen, it's tough. I felt so embarrassed about it for such a long time, I didn't tell any of my friends at the time, which I think made things worse. The only person that knew that I could talk to was my best friend, Sam. He was so supportive through it all but there was always that shame I felt," I explained. "When we broke up I felt so alone, even though I have the most amazing friends in the whole world but they didn't understand what I was going through 'cause I didn't tell them until months later. I was in a really bad place mentally and even as I healed, there was still that nagging at the back of my mind that I wasn't good enough and I carried that into my relationships. I was afraid to open up to new people but I feel like I've really improved in that sense."

"It's such an impactful song that I'm sure has touched so many people, including myself," she told me.

"Thank you," I smiled softly.

"You mentioned in one of your BRITs acceptance speeches that Sam saved your life," she spoke curiously.

"Yes," I nodded, trying to internally suppress the nervous butterflies in my stomach. I did put the fact out into the world, on quite a public platform. Of course people were going to question it.

"Do you mind me asking about that?" she inquired politely. "You don't need to answer of course!"

"No, no, I don't mind," I assured her. At least she was being nice about it. "It was Sam who noticed that sommat wasn't quite reet. He asked about it a few times but I always brushed it off and when he worked it oot, I got so defensive. I broke up with him and locked myself away for a week... the next time I saw him, I passed oot from malnutrition and dehydration along with some other things the doctors said that I'll never remember, sommat about electrolytes... If Sam hadn't been there and called 999, I woulda died."

"Really?" Kirsten gasped.

"Aye," I mumbled. "If he had left it even five minutes, I would have gone into cardiac arrest."

"Wow," she muttered in disbelief.

"I might've hated him for it at the time but his persistence really did save my life," I admitted.

"He cares about you a lot," she commented.

"Yeah," I smiled, trapping my bottom lip between my teeth. "He really is one of the most important people in my life, I'm forever grateful for him."

"As I bet he is for you," she beamed, sending a warmth flooding my cheeks. "He won best album in the world tonight, how do you feel about that? Is there any animosity there because he beat you?"

"Absolutely not," I chuckled. "There's always a bit of banter like but he's so fuckin' talented and I'm so so proud of him for everything he's done and achieved. Seventeen Going Under is such an amazing album, so it's well deserved."

"I just interviewed him and the band and it seems as though he believes it's you that should have won the award not him," she laughed.

"Of course he does," I huffed, rolling my eyes playfully. "He can't take any sort of praise, never has been able to."

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