Chapter Eighty Seven

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After Sam's outburst before he left for tour, I knew it was best to give him space. Yes, it would be a long time before I saw him again but staying would have only aggravated his annoyance. He needed time to cool down. He would call me when he was ready to talk. And he had.

"I'm sorry, darlin'," he had told me over the phone. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. I wish I was there to make it up to you."

"It's alreet, Sam," I had assured him. "I shouldn't've kept on."

That has been almost six weeks ago now and I hadn't seen him since. Even though my hours at the Surf Cafe were flexible, I wasn't able to get the time off to go to Sam's gig in Newcastle. I couldn't bring myself to quit just yet either. I knew it wasn't exactly a backup but it was good to be able to earn some money. Sam was due home at any time. I hadn't been able to speak to him in four days as he, in typical Sam fashion, had broken his charger.

"I thought Sam was meant to be home yesterday?" my dad inquired as he cleared the plates from the table.

"Nah, today," I told him.

"Really? Could have sworn yer said the twenty-first," he frowned.

I let out a quiet snort, "Always been the twenty-second, dad. What's wrong? Missing him that much, are yer?"

"The Toon are playing in a couple of hours, can't be watching it by myself now, can I?" he shrugged.

"Aye, alreet," I scoffed. "There's nee way you're stealing my boyfriend after being away for a month and a half to watch the footy."

"It's a league game!" he exclaimed.

"Yer got nee chance," I laughed. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, putting an end to our conversation. I dug it out, my light smile contorting into a tight line as I read Shirley's name on the screen. Quickly pressing the accept button, I brought the phone to my ear, uttering out a concerned, "Hello?"

"Scarlett?" Sam coughed.

"Sam?" I replied.

"Hello," he mumbled.

"Y'alreet, babe? Yer don't sound the best," I frowned.

"Just a lil' under the weather," he sniffled.

"Only a little?" I asked, the crease between my brows deepening as he broke into a coughing fit.

"I'll be fine, darlin'," he assured me.

"Well, at least your mam's there I suppose," I muttered.

"Er..." Sam trailed.

"Er, what?" I demanded. "Your mam is there, reet? Of course, she is. Yer wouldn't have her phone otherwise."

"Her and Ronnie have gone away for the night, she left her phone here," he admitted sheepishly. "She probably assumed I'd stay over yours or sommat."

"Sam- alreet, gimme half an hour and I'll be over," I told him gently.

"No," he wheezed. "Don't come over, you're gan get sick."

A fond smile tugged at the corners of my lips at his concern. "I'll be fine. Besides, I can't leave yer on your own now, can I?"

"Yer don't need to," he assured me.

"Don't be so daft," I murmured, running a hand through my matted locks. "Do yer want anything before I leave?"

"No, thanks," he mumbled.

"Areet, I won't be long now," I spoke softly, waiting for his hum of reply before ending the call.

"What's wrong?" my dad inquired as he placed the last dish on the rack and dried his hands in the tea towel that hung on the oven door.

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