Chapter Six

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I didn't speak to Sam for the rest of that week. Not for lack of trying, but lack of response. I had forced Dean to check up on him to make sure he was alright but whatever Sam had told him, he had sworn him to secrecy. To be fair, I wasn't meant to know that Sam had even said anything to Dean but like I said before, the latter was horrible at lying.

I found myself willing away the weekend, ready for Monday to come, so I would be able to see Sam in person and hopefully work out whatever was going on but Monday came and I didn't see him. Well, I say I didn't see him, I did but every time I tried to approach him, he would scurry off in the opposite direction. Two weeks passed by and I hadn't spoken more than a handful of words to him. Granted, we were in a better place than we had previously been, but nothing like the friendship we had before. It was like he hated me now. Well, hated was a strong word, more like disliked.

Our friendship group seemed to have split. Harlow, having not properly gotten to know Sam anyway, stuck with me in school, but Dean split his time between Sam and me. Harlow and I would find our usual seats in the canteen, waiting for him to join, but would end up sitting by Sam, who would silently beg him to sit with him.

After four weeks, I'd had enough. Pulling Harlow to the canteen, I searched until my eyes landed on the person I was looking for before making a beeline towards him. I took a seat by his side, Harlow sitting opposite and threw my backpack to the floor. Sam's eyes widened as he realised what had happened and avoided my gaze entirely.

"Alreet?" he smiled weakly as he picked at the sandwich in front of him.

"You've ignored us for weeks and all you've got to say is 'alreet'?" I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Uh- I, um... listen, I'm sorry," he stammered, turning to face me but not daring to look at me, too scared to find the hurt in my eyes.

"What's gan on with ya, Sam? This isn't you," I frowned.

"And how would ya know what that is?" he snapped, staring into my eyes. His words stung. My stomach flipped nervously as my gaze fell on those stormy blue eyes, enrapturing me as they did quite often.

"I'm your best friend," I whispered quietly, hurt by his words.

"Aye," he scoffed sarcastically. My frown deepened as I watched him gather his stuff and sling his backpack over his shoulder. "I've got to go, I told Jenny I'd sit with her."

"Jenny? As in Jenny Richards?" Here came the jealousy. Jenny Richards was beautiful. She was the definition of an 'it' girl. She had luscious, thick brown locks and the prettiest blue eyes, she had money, popularity, brains and now, Sam. She was everything I yearned to be, had everything I longed to have.

"Yeah. I asked her out yesterday, turns out playing the guitar gets you in with the lasses," he told me with a cocky smile. Whoever this boy was in front of me, I didn't recognise him anymore. I furiously blinked back the tears that threatened to fall as I watched him stride towards the entrance of the canteen, passing Dean on the way, who looked just as confused as me when Sam linked arms with one of the most popular girls in school.

"What the fuck is that about?" Dean asked whilst taking a seat next to Harlow, still staring at the two as they sat together.

"Beats me," Harlow scoffed, "Why are yous even friends with him? I mean I've only known the lad for a month, but from what I've seen, he's a massive dick."

"This isn't Sam," I mumbled under my breath as I let out a deep exhale. Dean's attention snapped to me and his eyes immediately grew pitiful.

"Rory," he sighed, shoulders dropping.

"I don't need your pity, Dean. He was never gan like me back anyway," I faltered, plastering a forceful smile on my face.

"That don't mean ya aren't allowed to be upset," he told me firmly.

"What's there to be upset about? I fell in love with me best friend and now he won't even look at us," I laughed bitterly, stabbing the salad on my plate forcefully. My eyes were fixed on the food in front of me, not noticing the looks Harlow and Dean were exchanging. Their silence, however, was telling. "What?"

"D'ya know what ya just said?" Harlow asked cautiously, almost as if she was treading on eggshells.

"What? That I like my best friend?" I frowned, not seeing the big deal.

"Rory, ya just said you were in love with him," Dean hesitated. My eyes widened and my breathing picked up as the realisation hit me like a brick.

I'm in love with Sam.

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