Chapter Thirty Four

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I never did find out what actually happened at the Low Lights that night. Sam continued to brush it off as your usual bar fight and neither Tom, Joe, Dean nor Drew would speak a word of it. It was like Sam had sworn them to secrecy or something. I eventually dropped it after a week or two, accepting that the instigation of the fight would remain a mystery to me - none of them were going to tell me.

Shirley wasn't happy when she found out. Sam told me all about the lecture he got when he went home the following day and his subsequent grounding, which meant I didn't see him for two weeks. I was just glad she hadn't confiscated his phone too, otherwise, I probably would have gone stir-crazy. Hopefully, it had knocked some sense into him though, but that was wishful thinking at best. This was Sam we're talking about.

Luckily, there hadn't been any reoccurrences since and everything was well within the group. Dean and Harlow were thriving, as usual, Sam and I hadn't had an argument in weeks, Drew had settled well in the group, making fast friends with Joe and even Tom had found himself a girlfriend, which we were due to meet tonight. My sixteenth birthday had fallen on a Sunday and so I had invited everyone around mine. Sam was due around any minute with the others joining us later on in the evening for a get-together.

I raced to the door when I heard knocking and swung it open, excited to see my boyfriend. My face lit up when I saw him standing on the doorstep with the ribbon of a 'sweet sixteen' balloon and a gift bag in his hand, a wide smile spreading across my face. "Hi!"

"Alreet, darlin'? Happy birthday," he grinned, grasping my hip with his free hand to pull me into his body and press a sweet kiss to my lips, my hand resting on his cheek to steady myself.

"Thank you," I beamed as I pulled away and dragged him inside. I had the house to myself as my dad had gone to visit my aunt Emily for the afternoon. Well, I say he had gone to visit, I mean that I had practically forced him to go. He had decorated the living room with balloons, banners and streamers whilst I was asleep and surprised me in the morning with a birthday breakfast. It was a tradition that we'd had for years and he hadn't missed one since it had started.

"It looks proper wicked in here, did your dad do all this?" Sam asked as he took a seat on the sofa and pulled me into his lap.

"Yeah," I told him, immediately curling into his chest.

"Bless him," he smiled, pressing his lips against my forehead and holding the gift bag out in front of me. "Gan open your present now?"

"Sure," I blushed wildly. Still, after years of receiving gifts from him, I still felt unsure of how to react. It was the same with anyone really. Who actually enjoyed opening gifts in front of someone? I pushed myself away from his chest and took the bag from him, pulling out a small, flat box from inside. My eyes flickered toward Sam for a split second, who watched me with apprehension as I tore open the wrapping paper, revealing a navy jewellery box.

"It was what I was planning to get ya for Christmas, but I didn't have enough money at the time," he admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly as I lifted the lid off the box, revealing a silver chain charm bracelet with a music note charm attached. I could tell he was embarrassed by the redness that crept up his neck and the way he ran his hand through his thick locks.

"It's beautiful, Sam," I whispered as tears pooled in my eyes. The fact that he had saved up his money and gone back and bought the bracelet warmed my heart.

"Really?" he asked quietly as he stared at me through his thick eyelashes, unsure of my reaction.

"Yes," I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck to bring him in for a tight embrace. "Thank you."

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