Chapter Nineteen

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Part of me was relieved when the boys' exams had finished, but part of me mourned the fact that our group would no longer be one. Sam was off to Whitley Bay High School for Sixth Form and Dean and Tom were off to Newcastle college. It was just Harlow and I left. I knew that I was going to see them less than I did now, so I was trying to make the most of the summer that we had together.

Sam was sweeter than ever, treating me like an absolute princess. Well, excluding the fight we seemed to have every week. It was almost like clockwork. Sometimes it would be over something as trivial as what he wanted to do when he left school. Like what? He would just brush it off and tell me it didn't matter, but it would end up turning into a full-blown argument.

On our good days, we were great. Better than great. He wouldn't want to let go of me. We would spend hours down the beach, nestled up on a picnic blanket, just the two of us. Even when the bad British weather hit, still, there we'd be. There wasn't much that could kill our mood.

"Hello," I beamed as I swung Sam's bedroom door open, my eyes falling on his form sprawled out on his bed, his back resting against his headboard. I quickly made my way over and into his awaiting arms.

"Hi," he grinned, grasping my hips firmly and pressing his lips against mine. "I missed ya."

"I literally saw you yesterday," I laughed as I snaked my arms around his neck.

"That was ages ago. Plus, Dean, Tom and Harlow were there, s'not the same, is it?" he smiled, his thumbs stroking the soft fabric that covered my hips.

"So, I've been thinking..." I trailed, resting my head sideways on Sam's shoulder.

"That's never good," he teased.

"Want you to teach me how to play the guitar," I announced, lifting my head to look at him.

His eyes lit up. "Really?" I nodded. "Alreet."

I squealed, pressing my lips to his in a multitude of short, sweet kisses. "Thank you!"

"On one condition!" he interrupted.

"And what's that?" I frowned, pausing the attack momentarily.

"You teach me how to play the piano," he told me.

"You'll let me?" I grinned.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Already know the basics, Liam showed us a bit, but he gave up when I kept mucking up twinkle twinkle little star."

"There's no hope for ya," I snorted.

"Well, we'll see how much there is for you when I start teaching ya," he scowled, poking your side lightly and earning a loud shriek from your lips.


"I hate you, d'ya know that?" I huffed as she finished playing the chorus of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.

"What? Why?" she frowned, turning her attention from her fingers that laid on the strings to my face.

"It took me bloody ages to get the power chord and you've managed it in three hours!" I gaped.

"What can I say? I'm just class," she grinned.

"Nah, you've definitely had lessons before, haven't ya?" I asked.

"No," she laughed, pulling the strap of my guitar from around her and placing the instrument carefully to the side. I watched as she strode towards me, climbing into my lap so she was straddling me, resting her shins on the bed on either side of me. Her arms wrapped themselves around my neck and my hands found her hips like clockwork. "Maybe I just had a proper good teacher."

"Oh, yeah?" I smirked as her hands smoothed their way up to hold my face.

"Mhmm," she hummed. She had a Cheshire smile on her face as her face got closer to mine. She dipped her head slightly, brushing her lips against mine but never for longer than a split second. Each time I stretched my neck to kiss her, she pulled away slightly.

"You're killing me here, Scarl," I groaned.

"Will ya stop calling me that?" she scowled.

"Nope," I grinned.

"No kisses for you, then," she told me with a triumphant smile.

"Don't be a tease!" I huffed, pinching the skin of her hips lightly and watching as she jumped in response. "Surely I deserve kisses for being a good teacher?"

"Do ya?" she snorted, running her thumb across my cheek.

"Yes," I pouted. "Please." I puckered my lips before she pressed a quick kiss to them and pulled away. "That wasn't a kiss!"

"Well, that's all you're getting, Sammy," she teased. I scowled and threw her off my lap so she was lying on my bed before climbing on top of her. Her eyes widened as I caught her hands and pinned them above her head. "Sam, no!" I grinned to myself as I ignored her pleas and began tickling her with my free hand. "Please!"

"You asked for this," I grinned evilly, refusing to give in to her begging.

"You can have all the kisses ya want, just stop!" she shrieked, desperately trying to pull her hands free. I paused.

"All the kisses?" I asked with a smirk. She nodded her head furiously. "Alreet, then."

"Ya can let us go now," she told me, still trying to catch her breath from the tickling.

"Who said anything about letting ya go?" I snorted.

"What? Sam!" she protested. I leaned down to press my lips to hers, effectively shutting her up.

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