Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four

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"So, explain to us one more time what happened," Harlow asked as she flicked through the rail of wedding dresses. Jess, Heidi and I were sitting on one of the sofas in the room with a glass of champagne clutched in our grasps. Harlow's mam, Laura was settled on the adjacent sofa with her grandma, Doreen and her nan, Anne as well as her Aunt Sofia.

"Harls, your family don't wanna hear about my tragedy of a love life like!" I groaned.

"Oh, shut up! They're nosier than I am," she scoffed.

"Charming," her Nan laughed. "You're alreet, pet. Besides, I don't think we've had an update off yer since ya left Shields." My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. I quickly down the contents of the champagne flute and groaned. "Ya've been seeing that footballer, ain't yer? S'what I saw in the newspaper anyway."

"Nan!" Harlow scolded, shooting her a warning glare over her shoulder.

"It's fine," I blushed. "Yeah, I was. He called it off last month."

"Aww, I'm sorry, pet," Anne frowned sympathetically. "It was lush to see yer moving on after everything."

"Aye, well..." I mumbled. "It was my own fault. Apparently, I'm still in love with Sam."

"Yer are," Harlow snorted.

"He broke up with yer 'cause he was jealous?" Laura questioned, sipping on her own drink.

"No," I shook my head. "Well... he broke up with me but he wasn't jealous. He was actually lovely about it all. Said he just wanted me to be happy."

"Bless him," Doreen cooed.

"Well, I, for one, am hoping you and Sam get back together," Heidi shrugged nonchalantly. "He's like a bloody puppy for yer."

"Ya'll be waiting a long time, poppet," I muttered.

"Yous both need to wise up," Jess grumbled. "You're only making yourselves more miserable in the long run."

"Can we just talk about sommat else? Please," I pleaded.

"Fine," Harlow huffed, pulling a dress from the rack. "Woah. What do we think?"

I gasped as she held the dress up, stunned by its beauty. "That's lush, Harls," I smiled. "Gan try it on!"

"I'll be reet back," she beamed, stalking off to the changing room.

"She's gan be the most stunning bride ever," Jess cooed.

"Oh, definitely," Sofia agreed.

"I'm already preparing myself for the tears," Laura sniffed, blinking her eyes rapidly to delay the salt streams that were threatening to fall. "God, I can't believe my baby girl's getting married! It only seems like yesterday that she lost her first tooth."

"It's been a long time coming for those two," I pointed out with a fond smile.

"It has," she chuckled. "I still remember the day she brought him home. I was shocked, to say the least!"

"Yer and me both," I laughed. "I found oot from Sam's ex-girlfriend!"

"Oh, god," she cringed. "I'm just glad she's found someone like Dean. I dunna what I'd have done if he was a nob."

"He'd have some sense battered into him, that's for sure," Jess commented, ripping laughs from the older women.

"He's not gan know what hit him when she walks down that aisle," I smiled fondly.

"She could wear a bin bag and he would still bawl his eyes oot," Heidi joked.

"I hope I won't be wearing a binbag on my wedding day like," Harlow teased as she pulled the curtain across.

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