Chapter Four

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My feelings for Sam only grew from there, spiralling out of control. I should've put an end to it once and for all.

You heard him that day, Rory, it would be weird.

No, I think you'll find those were your words, I thought bitterly.

He agreed with my words.

Listen to me, I'm literally arguing with myself!

There was nothing I could do to stop my feelings from growing. Nor was there anything I could do to stop Sam drifting away from us either, well, away from me. The plans that we had made to meet at mine that day, just as we did every week were thwarted when he'd announced that he was unable to come, struck with some stomach bug. He'd even skipped school the next day.

How are you feeling today? Missed you in school today :(

Sam: I'm fine

Oh, glad to hear. You back in tomoz? x

Sam: No, won't be back til next week

Aw :( want me to pop round later? I'll bring some goodies

Sam: Mam said I'm not allowed anyone over til I'm better, doesn't want me to spread it

Okay :((

You missed loads when you were off, Jackson got into a fight with Josh, gave him a black eye and all!

I kept checking my phone every ten minutes to see if Sam had replied to no luck. I was starting to get really worried about him, he always answered my texts and in the ones he did answer, he was uncharacteristically blunt. It wasn't like him at all.

"Dean, have ya spoken to Sam today?" I asked after checking my phone for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. I had sent the text at the start of lunch, which was now nearing almost forty minutes ago. "I texted him ages ago and he's not answered us."

"Maybe he's busy?" Harlow suggested as she nibbled away at the breakfast bar in her hands.

"He's never too busy to answer Rory, he's like a freakin' puppy," Dean told her, "I, uh, haven't spoken to him."

"Ya know your eye twitches when ya lie, reet?" I huffed, pursing my lips at my best friend just as his phone buzzed, "Let me guess, Sam?"

"Rory..." he muttered, protesting when Harlow snatched his phone from beside him, "Harlow!"

"He says he's fine," she frowned, placing the phone back down on the table and sliding it back over to the older boy, clearly disappointed with the text. "Maybe he's just seen the text if he's only just texted Dean, I'm sure he's typing his reply now."

I kept my gaze on Dean whilst Harlow spoke, studying his features carefully. I didn't know if I was thankful for or resented the fact I could read him like a book. "He hasn't only just texted ya, has he?"

"Fine! He's texted me a few times since you texted him," he blurted after a moment's silence.

"I knew it," I mumbled, staring down at my phone screen once more, willing it to light up. Hoping that it was all a misunderstanding.

"He's having one of his moments, ya know what he's like sometimes," he sighed.

"Aye, but he's never been like this with me," I replied mournfully. I didn't have time to focus on the negatives, the sound of the bell pulled me from my thoughts, signalling the end of lunch.

"None of that now, pet," Harlow cooed as she hooked her arm in mine and pulled me in the direction of whatever our next lesson was, not before waving her goodbye to Dean with a massive grin.


"What's gan on with you?" My mam asked as she watched me push the food around my plate. I should've known she would realise something was up. "And don't give me the bullshit of 'I've got a migraine' cause I don't believe ya."

"I don't wanna talk about it," I grumbled.

"Ya know you can talk to me, don't ya, love? If something's gan on in school. If it's those bullies again-"

"It's not! It's owt like that, swear," I blurted, eyes wide.

"Reet," she replied sceptically, eyes still fixed firmly on me as she stood from the table. "I'm just gan pop to the shops for a bit, won't be long."

"Alreet, mam," I mumbled as she grabbed her purse and left. I let out a breath of relief as the front door closed. As much as I loved my mam, it felt like I was suffocating. It was nice to have a break, horrible as it sounded, but I needed it. I was so caught up in my feelings with Rory, that it really did feel like I had a migraine or a headache, at the very least.

I scrapped the chair backwards, grabbing my plate to throw the practically untouched food away. What a waste, I thought to myself as I placed the now empty plate into the sink and made my way upstairs to my room. "Urgh!" I groaned as I threw myself on my bed, staring up at the plain ceiling. "Why's everything so fuckin' complicated?"

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