Chapter Eighty Three

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"Nee way!" Harlow squealed as she leapt into my arms, earning several looks from people around the Low Lights but she was way too excited to pay them any mind. I couldn't help the smile that pulled at my lips, a warmth spreading in the pit of my stomach as I reciprocated her embrace. "I'm so proud of yer!"

"That's class, pet!" Dean grinned, clutching his pint closely to him.

"Congratulations, Pip," Tom beamed.

"Aye, well done, love," Jess agreed with a proud smile.

"Congrats, Rory," Joe gushed.

"Well done, lass," Drew smiled.

"Cheers, yous," I flushed. "It's not like I've actually signed anything yet-"

"Will yer stop putting yourself down?" Sam huffed from beside me. His arm was curled around my waist and there was barely more than an inch between the two of us. It was always a squeeze trying to get all of us around one table, so it was lucky that none of us minded the close proximity.

"I'm just pointing oot the obvious, babe," I grumbled as I finished the last of the pint in front of me.

"He's reet, Rory. You're gan be a superstar," Harlow told me with a wide grin.

"Now you're just taking the piss," I scowled.

"Uh-uh. I'm calling it now, in two years you're gan be touring the globe," she smirked.

"I called that almost four years ago now," Sam pointed out nonchalantly. "Just saying."

"No one actually listens to yer though" she snorted. My boyfriend rolled his eyes and flipped his middle finger up at her, which only served to amuse Harlow further. "I'm being serious, Rora. You're finally getting the recognition yer deserve... I dunna about yous but I think we should go oot and celebrate."

"We are oot," Drew frowned.

"Out out," she confirmed.

"Absolutely not," I groaned as I leant into Sam's side and rested my head back on his shoulder dramatically to emphasise my distaste. He let out a light chuckle, the vibrations shaking my body slightly and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Aww, ceemon, Rory! It'll be a laugh. Jess, tell her!" she whined.

"Aye, I reckon it'll be a riot," the blonde agreed.

"Not you too," I pouted. "The lads don't wanna go oot, do yous?"

"Actually, I quite fancy a night oot, y'kna," Sam shrugged.

My mouth dropped open in disbelief as I tired myself away from my boyfriend, my eyes full of betrayal as I turned my stare to him. "Sam!" I protested.

"Same here," Tom said.

"Aye," Joe grinned enthusiastically.

"Boys!" I huffed.

"I suppose if everyone else is gan," Drew mumbled.

"Yer know I've not got any choice in the matter," Dean told me with a sympathetic smile.

Harlow began gleaming beside her boyfriend, tapping his knee in a 'well done' manner. "Trained him well," she teased, eliciting a roll of the eyes from the older boy.

"Areet, fine," I grumbled as the table lit up with cheers. "Just know, I don't like any of yous anymore."

"Oh, shush," Sam snorted as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him, pressing the sloppiest of kisses on my cheek. "Ya'll be the first one up when we get there!"

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