Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine

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"You're doing great, Aurora," Doctor Emery praised as my head hit the pillow. "I can see the head."

"I can't..." I rasped, mouth hanging as I tried to suck in the oxygen I desperately needed. I was absolutely exhausted and covered in a thick sheen of sweat. My vision was getting blurrier by the second and the room was beginning to fade as I desperately blinked my eyes to keep them open but they felt like lead weights. "Can't do... do it..."

"Rory?" Harlow called in terror as she noticed my pale and clammy skin. "Y'alreet?"

"Dizzy," I told her breathlessly.

"Shit," she cursed, sending Emily a petrified stare over my head. "Er, doc, I don't think she's doing so well."

"Her sats are dropping," one of the maternity nurses announced.

"M'tired," I admitted, head lolling against the pillow as I felt something being placed over my face. An oxygen mask.

"Rory, stay with us," Emily pleaded.

"BP is dropping, sixty over ninety!" the same maternity nurse spoke sharply.

"I'm sorry, I'm gan have to ask yous both to leave," another nurse mumbled. She sounded like she was a million miles away but I knew she was only a few metres from me.

"No," I protested weakly as I felt Emily's hand slip from mine but they were feeble and I couldn't find the energy to do so any further.

"We need to deliver this baby now!" Doctor Emery barked. It was the last thing I heard as I slipped into unconsciousness, unable to cling to the real world any longer.


The second I made it to the hospital, I was sprinting up to the maternity ward, completely ignoring the screaming of my lungs and the burning in my legs. I had been on the phone with Tom from the minute I landed in Newcastle, which only added to my anxiety because just as I left the airport, I discovered that Rory had taken a turn for the worst and no one knew what was happening. The only information we had was that her blood pressure had dropped just before Harlow and Emily were booted out of the room.

"Sam," Harlow sighed in relief as I skidded to a halt. Her cheeks were red and puffy as she closed the gap between us and threw her arms around me. Behind her, Heidi was curled into her brother's side, Jess sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest, Jamie had stopped in place mid-pace and my mam and Emily perched beside each other on the uncomfortable hospital chairs, all looking as sombre as I felt.

"R-Rory?" I asked nervously as reciprocated the hug, my eyes flickering between Jamie, Tom and my mam over her shoulder.

"They've taken her in for surgery," Jamie swallowed thickly as I pulled away from Harlow, who quickly found her husband's side. "They haven't said much, she's haemorrhaging or sommat."

"And what about the baby?" I gulped.

"He's stable at the moment," he explained. "He's in the NICU but they won't let us see him for the time being."

"Fuck," I cursed, rubbing a hand over my face as I tried desperately to hold back the dam of tears that were threatening to spill over.

"His odds aren't great, son," he choked, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder but it felt like it weighed a million tonnes. "He's so premature... if he s-survives, it'll be a miracle."

"I can't lose them both," I cried.

"Oh, sweetheart," my mam sniffed, crossing the room to pull me into her arms.

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