Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Five

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"It's such a lush day," I commented as we walked along the canal hand-in-hand.

We were a few days into the European tour and with my next gig being in Amsterdam that night, we had all taken the opportunity to explore the city. And by all of us, I meant pretty much everyone. Me, Rory, Dean, Harlow, Tom, Jess, Heidi, Jay, Heidi and Tom's parents, Drew, Joe, Owain, Johnny, Tom and Mark. We had sort of dispersed a bit, however, with everyone huddled off in their own groups, Rory and I trailing behind at the back.

"It is nice oot," Rory hummed in agreement. She was being quieter than normal I noticed and I couldn't quite put my finger on why. Was it me? Something I did? I couldn't work it out for the life of me. "Excited for tonight?"

"I'm buzzing," I grinned. "I dunna what I'm gan do when this tour's over like."

"Rest maybe," she teased lightly.

"Nah," I snorted. "There's no rest for the wicked or sommat like that."

"You're gan make yourself ill soon," she chided softly.

"You'll look after me though, reet?" I asked, staring down at her with a cheeky grin.

My smile widened as I watched her roll her eyes but her hand never left mine. "If it's self-inflicted, you're on your own," she told me.

I let out a gasp, "Don't yer love us?" Her eyes narrowed and her lips pulled together in a tight line as she pretended to contemplate my question. "Rory!"

"I'm kidding, of course I love ya," she giggled, twisting her head and pressing a kiss against my clothed shoulder.

"Oi, lovebirds!" Tom yelled back at us. "We're gan get food on one of the boats if yous are coming?"

I turned my attention to my girlfriend, who's lip curled upwards in disapproval. I thought the idea was quite appealing but clearly, Rory didn't agree.

"Yer can go if yer want, I'd rather just stay on solid ground," she told me.

"I'm not gan leave yer," I chuckled softly. "We'll get sommat somewhere else, meet these lot later."

"Yer sure?" she asked meekly.

"Course I'm sure," I smiled before turning back to my mate. "Yous go on, we're gan scran somewhere else."

Harlow eyed us suspiciously with a faint smirk on her lips but made no move to reveal her thoughts.

"Alreet," Dean replied. "We'll meet back up with yous in a bit then."

"Aye," I nodded, bidding my goodbye's to my friends as Rory and I continued on.

The chatter between us was light as we scouted out a quaint little cafe not far away where we finally settled. It was a lovely place, decorated with all sorts of plants and floral arrangements. The service was good too, our orders taken within ten minutes of being seated.

"Rory," I called softly, pulling her from her daydream. She hummed in reply. "What's gan on with yer?"

She coughed lightly, "What d'ya mean?"

"Ceemon, darlin', I know yer better than that," I smiled, taking her hand in mine from where it lay on the table. "You've been awful quiet the past couple of days. And the boat? I've never known yer to be scared of 'em."

"I'm not scared of 'em," she laughed. "I just don't wanna get seasick tryna eat my food like."

"There's sommat gan on with yer," I sighed. I watched as she swallowed thickly and began blinking rapidly, almost as though she was trying to deter any tears from falling. My suspicions were solidified as her bottom lip began quivering and she buried her face in her hands, quiet sobs escaping her mouth. "Hey, what's wrong? Why're yer crying?"

I quickly slid out of my side of the booth and next to her, pulling her into my arms.

"I'm sorry," she cried softly, wiping away her tears but they were falling faster than she could catch them.

"Don't be sorry, darlin'," I cooed, rubbing her back soothingly. "Talk to me, what's gan on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"There's sommat I need to tell yer, Sam," she gulped as she pulled her head from my chest and stared up at me with glossy eyes. It was enough to make my stomach churn anxiously, my brain spouting out every worst-case scenario it could possibly imagine. "And I dunna how you're gan react."

I felt sick. Physically sick. "What is it?" I choked, desperately trying to keep my tone even but I couldn't stop the waver in my voice.

"God," she mumbled, taking a deep breath as she tried to prepare herself to share her news but it only exacerbated my worries. "Sam, I'm... I'm pregnant."

My mouth fell open and my eyebrows raised in shock as my brain tried to process her words but it was only succeeding in short-circuiting. "What?" I coughed.

"Please don't make me say it again," she sniffed, staring at me expectantly but I remained silent, still trying to process the news. "Sam, please say sommat."

"You're..." I gulped. "I'm... we're..."

 "You're scaring me," she admitted quietly as she wiped away her tears with the heel of her palm.

"I'm sorry," I gulped, pulling her back into my arms and placing a kiss in her hair. "I'm just processing."

"What are we gan do?" she squeaked.

"We'll figure sommat oot," I assured her as I rested my chin atop her head. "We're gan be parents, wow... I'm gan be a dad."

"Are... are yer happy about it?" she inquired shyly.

"Am I allowed to be?" I asked cautiously. Yes, there was a bubble of excitement fizzing within me but I didn't want to get my hopes up if Rory didn't want to keep the baby or was feeling apprehensive about the situation.

"Of course!" she quickly replied, twisting her head to press a kiss against my jawline. "It is a bit exciting." Her words were shy and I could already picture the faint blush dusted across her cheeks.

"We're gan be parents, Scarl," I told her with a fond smile, my eyes beginning to water at the thought of having a baby with the love of my life. A family. "I know it's still early on for us but there's no one else I'd rather be here with than you."

"Me neither," she agreed. "I've always dreamt of this day, y'kna?"

"Aye?" I smiled sweetly.

"Mhmm," she hummed. "I didn't think it was gan be this scary but I know with yer by my side, I'll be canny."

"I love you so fuckin' much," I whispered.

"I love you too," she replied, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me down into a short but sweet kiss. 

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