Chapter Thirty Seven

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As the height of exam season came tumbling along, the amount the group hung out as a whole become less and less. Not to the fault of anyone, it was because everyone was busy. People had jobs, school and extracurriculars to worry about and our schedules just wouldn't align. Somehow, we had all managed to find a free Saturday night with the lads wanting to spend it at the Low Lights. Shocker, I know.

Due to the size of the group, we were forced to push two tables together to seat us all with Jess, Harlow and I sitting together and the lads filling up the seats surrounding us. I wasn't too bothered about sitting by Sam, nor was Harlow bothered about sitting next to Dean. I think we were comfortable enough in our relationships that we didn't need to be joined at the hip all the time. Jess, on the other hand, looked a little conflicted but the situation was resolved when Tom sat to her right. I think it was more of a comfort thing for her. Even though she had become an honorary member of the group, I think she still felt like an outsider and so Tom was her safety blanket. I couldn't blame her. I used to feel the same way in my friendship groups back in South Shields. It was why I never bothered to keep in contact with any of them. It could be scary to come into a large group of people who were already friends, especially your boyfriend's friends.

"Reet, so I reckon we should have a girl's night," I suggested as I took a sip of the drink in front of me. "There's too many lads about all the time-"

"Hey!" Dean protested.

"See, can't even make plans and they're whinging," I huffed sarcastically.

"Girl's night sounds proper lush!" Harlow gushed excitedly.

"Yeah, I'd be down for that," Jess smiled. I was hoping that she would become more comfortable hanging out in a smaller group because I really did like the girl.

"Lush," I grinned. "Are yous free next Saturday? My dad's working nights, so I've got the house to myself, we can have a sleepover."

"Oh, I'm meant to be gan over Tom's that night," Jess muttered hesitantly.

"It's alreet, love. Ya can come over Sunday night instead," Tom assured her. I smiled at the interaction, Tom's hand clasping Jess', his thumb caressing the back of it soothingly.

"Are ya sure?" she asked softly.

"Course." He nodded, pressing a soft kiss to her temple before returning to his conversation with Dean.

"I'm so excited," I squealed. "I'll get my dad to get us some drinks or sommat. Ooh, we can have a pamper night too."

"I can't wait," Jess beamed. It made my heart warm.

"Scarlett, I'm off for a tab if you're coming," Sam told me as he stood from the table, his hand already digging around in his pocket for his packet of ciggies and a lighter.

"I'll be reet back," I informed the girls, dragging myself out of my seat and following my boyfriend outside. I watched as Sam pulled two cigarettes from their sleeve, offering one to me before placing the other in his mouth. He quickly shoved the packet back into his pocket and lit mine before his own, taking a long drag. I shivered as a cold breeze hit me, my short-sleeved top and shorts doing nothing to fend me from the nighttime air. I wrapped my arms around myself and took a drag of the cigarette, appreciating the warming effect it had on my body.

"Sam?" I turned my head in the direction of the voice, my eyes landing on two tall, thin girls, one with sandy blonde hair and one with black hair, subconsciously moving closer to my boyfriend. I studied the two girls closely, hating how their wardrobe choices were similar to my own. Both wore a pair of shorts, which highlighted their long legs, and crop tops.

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