Chapter Sixty Eight

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"What did yer say to him?" I asked Harlow.

"Yeah, I wanna know an' all!" Jess agreed. The three of us were on our way to the Low Lights to meet the boys, our first time hanging out as a group since before Sam and I's break. Well, I suppose it was a break-up now that Sam had no intention of fixing things. We had already filled Jess in on Sam's kissing scandal, well, Harlow had anyway and I had relayed my version of events from the beach. Jess was shocked, to say the least when she found out we had agreed to stay as friends, almost disbelieving but chose not to comment, even though I could tell she was holding one back.

"I'm not telling yous!" Harlow laughed.

"Aw, come on!" I begged her as the three of us passed through the door of the Low Lights.

"No!" she huffed.

"Oi, yous!" Joe's voice cut through the air of the pub, alerting us to the table they all resided at.

"We'll get it oot of one of yous, promise," I snorted as we made our way over to the boys' table. "Oh, hello?"

"Hi," a brunette girl smiled shyly from her seat next to Joe. I sat between Sam and Harlow, who seated herself beside Dean whilst Jess took her place next to Tom.

"Girls, this is Alex," Joe introduced us with a wide grin that seemed to permanently reside on his face.

"Alreet?" I smiled. Had Joe found himself a girlfriend? "I'm Rory, this is Harlow and Jess."

"Ya know, yer look a lot like my best friend, Rosie," she grinned. I felt Sam tense beside me and watched as Harlow's glare hardened on him. What was going on with the two of them?

"Oh, yeah?" I inquired.

"Yer didn't want to bring her?" Harlow frowned but her eyes never strayed from Sam, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Oh, um..." she spluttered.

"Harls, leave the poor lass alone," I laughed. "Maybe her friend's busy."

"Hmm," she muttered in reply.

"So, Alex where are yer from?" I asked with a friendly smile.

"Wallsend," she replied.

"And ya've brought yourself to Shields?" Harlow scoffed.

"Uh, Joe asked me to come," she mumbled shyly.

"Just ignore her, pet. Harls is a little... intense," I grimaced.

"Intense be Christ," Sam murmured into his drink.

Harlow's head snapped in his direction with a snarl. "I'll knock yer teeth oot of ya mouth now, Fender," she hissed.

"Oh, be more creative, would ya?" he grumbled.

"Yer want me to be more creative?" she spat. "How about I-"

"Harlow," Dean spoke warningly, placing a hand on her arm in an attempt to diffuse her anger but she ripped it away from his grip and folded them across her chest.

"Come on, you," I told her, standing up from my seat and tugging her arm to follow me. "We'll be reet back." Reluctantly, the shorter girl followed me into the toilets, the scowl on her face conveying her feelings clearly. "What is gan on with yer?"

"Nothing," she huffed.

"Is it sommat to do with the conversation you and Sam had last week? I thought yous had... made up," I frowned.

"No, it's not that," she scowled. "Besides, I still don't like him."

"Just when I thought the two of yous were actually getting somewhere," I sighed.

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