Chapter Two

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One of my worst qualities was my stubbornness when it came to arguments. I was easily blinded by the anger, so much so that I hadn't realised that Sam and I had had our first argument until I got home that afternoon. My dad had asked what time Sam and Dean were due over and I immediately felt the regret pooling in my stomach, hoping that Sam would still show up so I could apologise to him.

I had sprawled myself out on my bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting impatiently for my two friends to arrive. I sprinted down the stairs when I heard the knock at the door, ripping the door open and launching myself into Sam's arms, who was as confused as he could be. He did still slowly wrap his arms around me regardless of the fact.

"Ya alreet lass?" he asked, the warmth of his embrace bringing me immediate comfort.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into his chest, humming contently when I felt his head rest on the crown of my own.

"I'm sorry too," he muttered, pressing a kiss against my forehead that sent me into overdrive. My stomach felt like it was doing backflips and the skin where his lips touched tingled, my body immediately missing the warmth of Sam's when he pulled away. "I was jealous at the thought of you picking him over me and Dean." It was so quiet and unsure that I almost didn't hear it.

"You two are my best friends, I wouldn't pick him over yous, ya dick," I plastered a grin across my face in an attempt to hide the mental battle that was going on inside my head. Did he just admit that he was jealous?

That's not what he meant, Rory, and you know it, I thought bitterly.

The three of us made our way up to my room after the boys yelled a quick 'hello' to my dad, sprawling ourselves out when we got there and diving into a mindless conversation about what had happened at school that day. It was only when Sam left to go to the toilet that Dean's head whipped towards me.

"What the fuck is going on with the two of yous?" he demanded, a sly grin on his face.

"What?" I frowned, unsure of what he was trying to imply.

"Oh come on, Rory!" he laughed, "The two of yous are acting like puppies around each other lately. Don't get me started on what that was earlier."

"Are not!" I scoffed, feeling the warmth rushing to my cheeks, willing it to go away. I knew that what Dean was saying was true, I had been acting weird, but I hadn't thought that anyone would notice. I suppose I should have, other than Sam, Dean knew me better than anyone else.

"You like him, don't ya?" he grinned.

"Course I like him, he's me best mate," I scoffed, avoiding the actual question.

"That's not what I mean and ya know it," he snorted, "You fancy him."

"Shut up, Dean! I do not!" I growled, shoving his shoulder firmly.

"You've gone redder than a tomato," he cackled, "S'alreet, lass, he fancies ya too."

"Don't be so fucking delusional," I mumbled, feeling my heart sink at the revelation. As much as I wanted to believe him, there was no way Sam liked me.

"Am being serious," he assured me but I wasn't having any of it.

"S'not funny," I grumbled.


"Just leave it," I said with a tone of finality, just as Sam, thankfully, made his way back. If either of the two picked up on my unusual quietness the rest of that evening, neither commented on it, which I was glad of. I was lost in my thoughts, confused about my feelings towards the lad that had come to be one of my best friends over the last two years. There was no way Sam liked me.


"Ya like her, don't you?" Dean asked me on the walk home.

"What? Who?" I frowned. Was he talking about Rory?

"Don't act like ya don't know who I'm on about," he teased, "Rory!"

"Don't be daft," I scoffed. I didn't even believe myself, how was I expecting Dean to?

"Y'know, she said the same thing," he replied nonchalantly.

"What?" My head whipped towards him so fast, that I thought I had whiplash, my feet stopping in their tracks as though they had been cemented to the ground. When had Dean mentioned this to Rory? No, he was definitely having me on.

"Ah, interested now, huh?" he gleamed as he continued on, forcing me to pick up the pace to catch up with him.

"Just wondering what sort of bullshit you've concocted now," I muttered, brushing off his comment with a shrug, but deep down I wanted to know. The adrenaline flooded my veins as my mind cooked up every possibility of what Rory had said to Dean.

"S'not bullshit if it's true," he grinned. It was a shit-eating grin that I wanted nothing more than to wipe off his face but he had me, hook, line and sinker.

"Haddaway, man," I groused.

"You should ask her out," he told me.

"No way she'd go out with us, Deano," I replied, not giving a second thought to what I was saying.

"So, you admit that you like her?" The Cheshire grin that spread broadly across his face was enough to make me realise what I'd said.

"You jammy bastard."

"Just to get the two of yous together now," he smirked as he skipped ahead of me. What a git.

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