Chapter Seventy Four

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I grunted as an invisible force crashed into me, a mop of blonde hair the only illusion to the culprit. Hair I recognised as my girlfriend's. "Hiya, darlin'."

"Missed yer," a small voice muttered, a pair of arms snaking tightly around my waist.

"I missed yer, too," I chuckled. "Can yer let go of me now so I can put my stuff down?"

"Fine," she agreed reluctantly with a pout on her lips and untangled herself from me.

"Sam, that you?" I heard my mam's voice before I saw her appear in the doorway. "Alreet, pet? Yer have a nice time?"

"Yeah, it was class," I grinned as she pulled me into a hug, a hand running through my hair in a show of maternal love.

"Yer can tell me about it later," she told me as the two of us separated. "I won't interrupt your reunion anymore."

I took Rory's hand in mine and gently tugged her in the direction of my room, shutting the door behind her softly and discarding my bags on the floor.  "How long yer been here for?" I asked her.

"A few hours, me and your mam were having a little catch-up," Rory shrugged. A flood of warmth erupted in my chest. I loved that my girlfriend had such a close relationship with my mam, who acted like something of a second parent to her and I knew my mam saw her a daughter she never had.

"Have I told ya how amazing yer are?" I grinned as my hands found her hips, pulling her body flush against mine.

She let out a snort, her arms reaching up around my neck, "Why? 'Cause I had a cuppa and a chat with your mam?"

"Aye," I muttered, the corners of my mouth tugging into a fond smile, my thumbs brushing against the fabric covering her hips. "Makes me fancy yer all the more."

"Oh, yeah?" she laughed, pressing her face into my chest, which muffled the noises.

"Yeah," I told her. I shuffled forward, pushing Rory backwards onto my bed and jumping beside her.

"Sam!" she squealed, batting me away from her.

I grinned, rolling onto my side and propping myself up with one arm as the other draped over Rory's waist. "My god, I've missed yer," I mumbled, leaning over her and dipping down to press my lips against hers languidly. She hummed in delight, her hand instinctively reaching up to grasp the back of my head and pull me closer, her mouth exploring mine. "If that's the welcome home I get when I go away, I'm gan start going more."

"I don't trust yer anymore," she teased. "Might have to send yer with one of them safety bracelets with wor number on."

"Shut up," I grumbled, although the wide grin on my face revealed my true feelings.

"How did yer actually manage to get lost, ya divvy?" she snorted, her fingers playing with the hair on the back of my neck.

"I dunna," I laughed. "Went looking for Dean and Tom like and I just forgot where wor tent was."

"You're a fuckin' idiot," she giggled.

"I made friends with a bunch o' lads from Gateshead though," I chuckled. "Found 'em when I was looking for the lads. Turns oot, shouting a bunch of Toon chants will attract just about every Geordie in your vicinity."

"Sounds like the highlight of your weekend," she joked.

"Nah, that's definitely got to be someone setting wor tent on fire," I spoke nonchalantly.

Rory's head snapped to look at me, her mouth hanging open with shock. "What?" 

"It's not as bad as it sounds, honestly," I assured her. Okay, maybe telling her someone set fire to my tent wasn't my best idea.

"Sam, yer just told us someone set your tent on fire," she gaped.

"And I'm fine," I shrugged with indifference. "Some lad from Yorkshire put it oot by pissing on it, was fuckin' hilarious."

"I honestly dunna whether to be shocked or disgusted," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'm alreet like so..." I trailed off.

"How the fuck didn't yer notice someone setting fire to your tent?" she asked.

"Oh, uhh..." I stumbled, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. "I might have necked a bottle of vodka and passed oot."

"You're an idiot," she scoffed. "I swear, how yer made it to eighteen I'll never know."

"Nah, nor me," I laughed. "I know one thing though."

"And what's that?" she inquired, staring up at me with curiosity.

"If it weren't for you and Dean, I would probably be dead reet now," I snorted. Her mouth dropped open in shock as she slapped my chest. "Ow!"

"Don't make jokes like that!" she scolded me.

"Is it still a joke if it's true?" I snorted loudly. "Besides, think of all the times ya've saved my arse, even from the day we first met."

"I think it was Dean I saved more than you," she pointed out.

"If yer weren't there, we definitely woulda both had our arses handed to us," I laughed. "Plus there's everytime ya've looked after us when I was drunk or sick."

"I suppose," she mumbled.

My hand shifted from her waist to cup her cheek, forcing her to look at me with those bright, blue eyes of hers. "You're my guardian angel," I smirked, smoothing the delicate skin of her lips with my thumb.

"It's what friends are s'pposed to do," she smiled.

"Ouch, have I just been friendzoned? Almost three years into the relationship?" I scoffed playfully as I poked her side.

She let out a loud snort, "Stop it! Besides, you're my best friend if yer haven't forgotten."

"Yer can stop digging your hole now, Scarl," I teased as I swung my leg over her body so I was straddling her smaller frame.

"Have I told ya how much I hate yer?" she grumbled jokingly.

"Yer love me," I grinned, hovering above her and drinking in every detail of the face I adored so much.

"Maybe," she smirked, unable to stop her lips pulling upwards.

"Hmm, well, I've got an idea," I told her, catching my bottom lip between my teeth.

She raised an eyebrow as she stared up at me. "Oh, aye? What's that?" she laughed.

"Kiss me," I gleamed.

"What?" she snorted. "What's that got to do with anything?"

"Well, friends don't kiss each other, do they?" I pointed out with a shrug, impressed by my innovation. Rory's face scrunched up as the laughter escaped from her lips, her head tilted back ever so slightly. "What? I'm being serious!"

"I know yer are," she cackled, eyes opening once more to meet mine. "That's why I'm laughing."

"Ouch," I muttered jokingly.

"Ya know, yer don't have to make up excuses to kiss us," she teased.

"Yer don't have to tell me twice!" I grinned, leaning down to meet her lips with my own.

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