Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four

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"I miss yer," I pouted as I stared at my girlfriend through my phone screen.

She left for tour about two weeks ago now and my only way of seeing her was through FaceTime. As much as I wanted to go with her, I, unfortunately, had things to do back home and reluctantly saw her off from Newcastle around two weeks into November. I was missing her like mad and I wanted nothing more than to have her back in my arms.

"I know, I miss yer too, babe," Rory sighed. "It's fine, only one more day."

"I can't wait, you're gan be amazing," I smiled softly.

"I'm not gan lie, I'm really fuckin' nervous," she admitted, voice wavering as she spoke.

"What? Why?" I frowned. I found it incredulous that so far into her career, she was nervous about doing a gig but I had a feeling her anxiety had little to do with the fact of performing in front of thousands, rather in front of just one person. Me.

"Yer've never been to any of my gigs," she told me with slight shrug.

"Yer don't need to be nervous 'cause I'm gan be there, darlin'," I muttered. "You're gan do great, alreet?"

"Mmm," she hummed but didn't look or sound entirely convinced, nose scrunching upwards.

"What time are yer gan get to Newcastle tomorrow?" I asked.

"Probably about eleven, mebbies twelve," she yawned, readjusting her head on her pillow. "Why?"

"Well, I'm gan have to see my lass before her gig, ain't I?" I grinned. "The arena, reet?"

"Yeah," she smiled softly, blinking her tired eyes. I couldn't blame her for being tired, it was almost twelve o'clock in the morning and she had played a gig in Scarborough that night. It was inevitable really. The only good thing was that she was nearing the end of her tour, meaning she could have a break and would be no more than a ten-minute walk from my house. It was ideal. "I've got my sound check at about half four, so I'm pretty much free before then."

"Lush," I beamed. "D'ya wanna go oot in the Toon and get sommat to eat or would yer rather stay at the arena and order food there?"

"As much as I'd love to go oot and get food, I don't think I'm gan wanna let go of yer when I see ya," she admitted with a sheepish smile.

"I'm glad 'cause I don't think I will either," I chuckled lowly, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth as I drank in her appearance. There was a hint of dark circles beneath her eyes, which were starting to redden, both from the lack of sleep but she still looked effortlessly beautiful. Her thick long locks had been thrown up into a messy bun with several stray strands that she had missed hanging and her crystal blue eyes glimmered with adoration, outshining any hint of exhaustion that threatened to snuff it out.

"Amazing," she giggled quietly, letting out another wide yawn.

"I think yer need to go to sleep, darlin'," I told her sternly.

"Wanna talk to yer though," she whined, proving how tired she was. She often got clingy when she was sleep deprived and unfortunately, due to our distance, her only option was FaceTime.

"Go to sleep," I instructed. "I'll stay on the phone if yer want."

"Promise?" she asked softly, eyebrows drawing upwards.

"Promise," I smiled fondly. "G'night, Scarl."

"Night, babe," she hummed. "I'll see yer in the morning."

I didn't reply, only watching her as she turned off the light and plunged herself into darkness, the light from her phone screen the only source of illumination. Her eyes easily fluttered shut and I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips as she slowly but surely fell into a deep slumber, the softest of snores escaping her lips.

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