Chapter One Hundred and Sixty

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"Hiya," Rory smiled as she entered the green room, followed by my mam, Tom, Jess, Harlow and Heidi, immediately collapsing into my open arms. "You were proper good."

"Thanks, darlin'," I mumbled, stroking her hair as she buried her head into my chest. "Everything alreet? You're a bit quiet."

"Just a lil' under the weather, s'all," she murmured.

"Yer didn't have to come tonight, pet," I told her as we parted, my hands resting on her cheeks as I inspected her. A deep frown painted itself on my face as I noticed how pale she looked, dark bags underneath her eyes. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. "Rory, yer don't look well at all."

"I'm fine, babe," she assured me with a weak smile. "It's just a sickness bug that's all."

"How long's this been gan on for?" I asked with concern.

"A couple of days," she shrugged. "It's fine, I'll be reet in a day or two now."

I gave her an unconvinced look, smoothing my thumbs over her hipbones as she rolled her eyes at me. I could feel my mam's eyes on us, noticing her fond smile in my periphery but I kept my focus on my girlfriend.

"Gan sit down, Scarl," I instructed firmly. "Give me a couple of minutes and we'll go home."

"No, don't be daft!" she protested. "Yous were gan go oot, yer don't have to come home just 'cause I'm not well!"

"My girl's not feeling good, I'm not gan go oot and leave her on her own, am I?" I snorted.

"But it's the end of your UK tour," she pouted. "I don't wanna ruin your night."

"You're not gan ruin my night," I laughed softly as I reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear. "I'll be honest, I didn't even wanna go oot anyway."

"You're such a liar," she smiled fondly.

"Maybe but I'd rather spend my night with you, that's for sure," I admitted. "Gan call me a liar now?"

"It's alreet, babe, I believe yer," she giggled quietly. "Don't rush though, areet? I'll be alreet for half an hour. Gan see your mam and that."

"Yes, ma'am," I chuckled, saluting her mockingly.

She rolled her eyes and shoved my shoulder lightly but there was an amused smile on her lips. I bit down a smirk, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead and sending her on her way with the instruction to sit down and take it easy.

"I hope you're not still planning on gan oot tonight," my mam commented as she replaced Rory in conversation with me.

"Of course not," I assured her, my eyes flickering over to my girlfriend who had curled up underneath Tom's arm on one of the sofas as she blinked tiredly to chase away her sleepiness. "I'm gan take her home in a bit now, she's told me to come see everyone first. Can't say no to that face, can I?"

"Good boy," she smiled, patting my shoulder in praise. "I told her not to come tonight but y'kna wor Rory, stubborn as ever."

"Sounds like her," I chuckled fondly. "I'm surprised she didn't mention anything over the phone."

"She didn't want to worry yer," she sighed. "Probably wanted you to enjoy yourself and not have to worry about her."

"I'm always worried about her," I admitted, lips pulled tautly. "Thought she woulda realised that by now."

"She probably feels the same way," she replied. "Don't forget, ya've got to pick up your suit tomorrow, reet?"

"Why?" I groaned. "The wedding's not for another bloody week!"

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