Chapter Twenty Five

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"Are ya coming over still?" I asked Rory through the phone.

"I don't think so," she mumbled so quiet I had to strain my ears to hear.

"What? Why?" I frowned. "Rory, we've had this planned for ages. It's the only day I've got off now until we break up for Christmas." Although I had a job in the Low Lights, the pay just wasn't cutting it and I ended up getting another job at a restaurant just down the road. It was taking over my life though. I would spend my time during the day at school, which I was failing, might I add, then come home to go straight for a shift at the restaurant and finish with pulling pints at the Low Lights. It was stressful to say the very least. Especially when the time I made to see my girlfriend was done in vain. I was annoyed, to say the least.

"I'm sorry, Sam," she cried. My irritation quickly melted when I heard her voice, my concern for her taking its place.

"What's the matter? Why're ya crying?" I rambled, my tone of voice much less harsh than previously.

"It's nowt," she sniffed.

"Scarl," I sighed, trying to coax her into telling me.

"I got my period," she sobbed, "My stomach hurts. I'm so bloated, I literally feel like a whale."

"Oh, darlin'," I muttered pitifully.

"I'm sorry," she repeated.

"What're ya apologising for, ya divy?" I teased softly. "I'm the one who should be sorry for snapping."

"It's alreet," she assured me. "I guess I'll see ya next week then." Her tone was deflated and it made my face curl into a frown.

"Don't be daft. Ya can't come to us, so I'll just have to come to you," I grinned.

"Really?" Her voice had perked up significantly, which only widened my smile and made my heart soar.

"Course! I'll see ya in about half an hour, yeah?" I told her.

"Okay, see ya." The phone call ended with a click.


"Scarlett?" Sam called from downstairs.

"Up here," I yelled. I heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs echoing through the house and kept my eyes eagerly on the door. A wide smile planted itself on my face when my boyfriend walked through the door clutching a carrier bag with his tatty school bag slung over his shoulder. "Hey."

"Y'alreet?" he asked with a sympathetic smile, striding over to the bed where I lay curled up in a ball.

"Better now that you're here," I told him. I tugged on his arm to pull him down so I could cuddle him but he didn't move. "Want cuddles."

"In a sec, Scarl," he laughed, dropping the carrier bag onto the bed followed by his backpack. I watched as he dug through his bag, pulling out a pair of his joggers and an oversized jumper and tossing them at me. "Put these on, I'll be reet back." He quickly pressed a kiss against my forehead before exiting the room, leaving me lying on my bed in confusion. I smiled as I began changing, not even bothering to get out of bed due to my lack of energy. My senses were overwhelmed by the scent of his aftershave, my eyes welling up slightly as I realised he must've sprayed his clothes just for me. Just when I thought I couldn't love the boy anymore.

"Rora? Ya decent?" he questioned, knocking firmly on my bedroom door.

"Yeah," I replied as I discarded my dirty clothes in my washing basket. And by that I mean I was too lazy to get up so I aimed for the basket and missed by about six inches. Sam pushed my door open, peeking his head around the corner to double-check that it was safe before entering. "What have ya got there?"

"A hot water bottle and a cuppa," he grinned as he offered me the items before crawling into bed beside me, mindful of the carrier bag still residing atop my duvet. "Half a cup o' milk, just as ya like."

"Thank you," I smiled, craning my neck to press a short but sweet kiss to his lips. "You're so sweet, ya know?"

"I know," he laughed softly, "Just don't go telling the lads."

"Shut up, they all know you're soft as fuck," I snorted, positioning the hot water bottle on my lower stomach and curling into Sam's side, the hot mug clutched in my grasp.

"You're not wrong," he sighed in defeat, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kissing the crown of my head. "There's some tablets in the bag for ya. I wasn't sure if you'd already taken some."

"Cheers," I hummed, reaching for the plastic bag. I dug around it with my free hand, noticing the large collection of sweets, chocolate and crisps until I finally grasped the cardboard boxes. "What's all this for?"

"Us, ini?" he deadpanned. "I know how bad your sweet tooth is when you're not on your period, so I grabbed some stuff from the shops."

"Not gan eat me chocolate like last time?" I teased.

"Definitely not, I learnt my lesson then and there," he chuckled.

"Good," I smiled, quickly draining my tea before it got cold and discarding it on the cabinet next to my bed. "I've missed ya, ya know?"

"I've missed ya, too," he replied, pulling me into him even more so I was practically lying on him. "I'm sorry I've been so busy."

"Hey, it's not your fault," I assured him with a frown. I laid my hand over his chest, feeling the thumping of his heart against my palm.

"I know, but I feel awful," he mumbled, his tone disheartened.

"Look at me, Sam," I told him, gently taking his chin in my hand and turning his head to look at me. "Don't you dare feel awful. It's alreet."


"But nothing. You're so hardworking and I'm so so proud of you, alreet?" I smiled softly. He nodded, tilting down to press a gentle kiss against my lips. It was mind-boggling how he always managed to capture my breath, the feeling of his lips on mine sending my brain into overdrive. I let out a light groan as he grasped the back of my head and deepened the kiss, swiping his tongue across my bottom lip.

"You're amazing, I'm so lucky to have you," he spoke breathlessly once we pulled away.

"I know," I grinned, kissing the tip of his nose before laying my head on his chest. His hand travelled from my hair down to my back, his touch leaving goosebumps in its wake as it ghosted over the fabric of his jumper. It paused as it reached the hem of the garment and slid underneath so it rested on the small of my back, his fingers drawing light circles on my bare skin. "I'm so lucky to have you, too."

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