Chapter Seventy Three

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"Are yer sure ya've got everything now?" I asked as I glanced into my boyfriend's packed bag that lay open beside his bed.

"Yes, Scarl," Sam assured me.

"Ya've got your charging bank?" I questioned.

"Reet, Rory, love, I've got everything I need. It's all in there, stop worrying," he told me as he tugged on my arm to pull me into bed beside him.

"I'm just scared for yer, ya've never gone away on your own like," I muttered, snuggling up in his chest.

"I'll be fine, darlin', yer need to stop worrying," he laughed, his arms tightening around my waist.

"I won't stop worrying 'til yer get back," I mumbled.

"Yer don't trust us, eh?" he snorted.

"You, Dean and Tom at a festival for three days? Of course, I don't!" I scoffed.

"Charming," he grinned. "Well, make the most of this time with wor, might be the last time yer see us."

"Don't make them jokes!" I gaped, slapping his chest lightly at his words.

"Rory, I seriously dunna where yer think we're gan like," he chuckled. "It's just Leeds."

"I just don't trust yous all on yer own, yous are like a bunch of bairns," I shrugged.

"Well, we'll be sure to phone every day, one of us at least," he grinned.

"You're a fuckin' heathen, I tell yer," I grumbled.

The two of us lay in Sam's bed, a comfortable silence washing over us as we made the most of our time together before he had to leave. It wasn't long before the inevitable buzzing of his phone cut through the air, leaving me pouting internally.

"Hello?" he spoke into the phone that was pressed against his ear. "Aye, I'm ready... I'll be reet oot... alreet, see yer."

"Are ya sure yer wanna go?" I pouted as he shifted me off him gently.

"I'll be gone for a few days, Scarl," he snorted, rolling out of his bed to shut his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. "I'll be back Monday."

"Ya act like I can't cope without yer for a couple of days," I scoffed, pushing myself into a sitting position.

"Tell yourself that," he laughed. "You're having a reet pout."

"I'm just worried about yer... none of yous can look after yourselves," I shrugged.

"We'll be fine," he told me for what felt like the millionth time, grasping my hands in his as he towered over me. My lips pulled into a tight line and my arms wrapped around his waist, my head laying against his lower abdomen. One of his hands tangled itself in my hair, the other wrapping around my shoulders. "Reet, I've got to go now, darlin'. Tom'll have his hair off if I don't hurry up."

"Okay," I muttered, lifting my head to glance up at him. "Please be safe, ring us if anything happens and-"

"Scarlett," he smiled, cutting off my ramble.

I paused, my shoulders dropping as his warm smile brought a wash of comfort over me. "Reet," I flushed. "Have a lush time, I'll see yer when you get back."

"Bye, love," he spoke softly, leaning down to press a soft kiss to my lips. I was bitterly disappointed when he pulled away after a mere two seconds, wanting to savour the feeling of his mouth on mine but alas, he had to leave.

"Bye," I whispered as I watched him walk out the door. I sighed and threw myself backwards on the bed and dug my phone out of my pocket, immediately calling my best friend.

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