Chapter Sixty Five

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My eighteenth birthday had come around sooner than I was expecting with mine and Rory's 'break' becoming more permanent with each passing day. It felt weird spending my birthday not only without seeing her but without speaking to her either. We hadn't missed each other's birthdays in four years and so I wasn't really sure what to do with myself. My mam had grown incredibly suspicious, although judging by her lack of interrogation, I was almost entirely sure Liam had told her of our split.

Of course, the lads and I had arranged a night out. Nothing like our usual ones spent in the comfort of the Low Lights but a night out on the town and I was more than ready to drink my woes away. It was pretty much what I did most nights since Rory and I broke up although this would be a celebration in the company of my friends compared to the pity party I threw myself almost every other night.

Luckily, the lads were just about as much of drinkers as I was, if not more. Round after round was consumed, shot after shot and by midnight, all of us were spectacularly fucked. It was an absolute riot.

And I hadn't thought of Rory once. Win-win.

"Shots?" I suggested to the lads with a grin. Tom and Dean both let out a groan that was concealed by the booming echoes of the music through the speakers, shaking their heads no. "Disappointed but not surprised," I tutted before turning my hopeful eyes to Drew and Joe. "Shots?"

"Why not?" Joe gleamed as Drew nodded his head in agreement.

"Knew I could count on yous," I grinned, wrapping my arms around each of their necks. "Not like these. Know what the difference is? We're single and free!" In my drunken stupor, I paid no heed to the looks of disapproval from my two oldest friends and stumbled towards the bar with Drew and Joe on either side. I propped myself up using the bar, noticing a mop of blonde hair next to Joe. Upon further inspection, I found she looked oddly like my ex-girlfriend but that may have just been that part of me that still yearned for her deep down, trying to find her in anyone. "What're ya doing here all alone?"

The blonde looked startled for a moment before relaxing slightly as her eyes fell on me, subtly roaming over me. "Me? I'm not alone, I'm with me best friend. She's just gan to the toilet," she smiled over the loud echoes of Blue Monday. "In fact, here she is. Hey, you. I was getting worried 'bout ya, thought ya'd got lost!"

I had to do a double-take when my eyes found her best friend, my drunk, addled brain mistaking the girl to be none other than Harlow but I was surely imagining things. "Alreet, love?"

"Hi," she replied shyly. Okay, it definitely wasn't Harlow. She was the exact opposite of shy.

"I'm Sam, these are me mates, Drew and Joe," I slurred loudly.

"I'm Rosie, this is Alex," the blonde, Rosie introduced. Fuck, even their names were similar.

"Can we interest yous in some shots?" I smirked as the bartender turned his attention to me to order.

"Aye, gan 'en," Rosie grinned.

"Five sambucas, please, mate!" I ordered, quickly slipping the bartender the cash out of my wallet to pay for it. It wasn't long before the liquorice-flavoured shots were laid out in front of us, the five of us cheers'ing before knocking them back in one go.

"That's rank!" Rosie laughed through a grimace.

"Baby!" I teased, reaching an arm around Joe to shove her shoulder playfully.

"Fuck off!" she grinned.

"Why don't yous come join us? Our mates have got a booth over there," Joe offered, his eyes lingering on Alex, who flushed darkly although it was barely visible in the fluorescent lighting of the nightclub.

"Sure!" Rosie agreed easily, tugging on her best friend's arm lightly. When we made it back to Dean and Tom with an extra two people, I could feel their disapproving glares but chose to ignore them. "Hi!"

"Alreet?" Dean smiled forcedly. Tom only sent them a curt nod. The booths were quite small and so, fitting seven of us was a challenge. One Rosie took in stride by positioning herself in my lap.

"Hope ya don't mind," she grinned, snaking an arm around my neck.

"Not at all," I replied, my hand reaching for her waist like clockwork. It was muscle memory at this point, the haze of drinks deceiving my brain into thinking it was Rory sitting in my lap. Tom and Dean began whispering to each other, Joe, Drew, Rosie, Alex and I splitting off into our own conversation.

"You're really cute, ya know?" Rosie muttered into my ear as one of her hands ran through my hair. "Can I kiss ya?" I hummed in reply. It took her no longer than a second to close the gap between us, her soft lips covering my own. The kiss was rushed and sloppy, nothing in comparison to the sweet and gentle ones Rory and I shared. I let out a groan as the image of my ex-girlfriend flashed in the forefront of my mind and immediately tore away from the girl in my lap.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. It was incredible how quickly I sobered up when I realised my mistake, the reasonable part of my brain kicking its drunken counterpart.

"I-is there sommat wrong?" she asked. "Am I a shite kisser or sommat?"

"It's not you," I assured her. "I-I'm sorry. Excuse me." I quickly escaped from beneath her and scurried out to the smoking area, hastily pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"What the fuck, Sam?"

I let out a puff of smoke that had been held in my lungs for a couple of seconds and closed my eyes, ready for the inevitable scolding that was coming. "I really don't need to hear it, Dean," I huffed. "I don't know what that was, so please don't ask."

He stared at me in disbelief, raising a hand to run over his face. "Ya know she's gan find oot," he sighed.

"Why? 'Cause you're gan tell her?" I muttered accusingly.

"Ya can't really expect me to keep this from her, can you?" he gaped.

"I dunna, mate. Ya are meant to be me best friend and it's not like it's any of her business anymore," I shrugged.

"C'mon, you're not that naive," he scoffed.

"What's that s'pposed to mean?" I spat.

"Figure it oot. I'm gan home," he mumbled, shaking his head at me before disappearing through the door he came from.

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