Chapter Forty Five

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"Sam?" I let out a loud groan as Rory's soft voice pulled me from my dreams.

"Mmm, too early," I whined, turning on my side to bury my head in the pillow I was resting on.

"Sam, it's eleven o'clock," she giggled, running a hand through my hair and pulling a soft moan from my mouth.

"Exactly, too early," I grumbled. To be fair, it was the latest I had woken up in weeks and by far the most sleep I had gotten in that time. It was nice to not have to wake up to a raging hangover for the first time in a long time.

"Get up, ya lazy bastard," she snorted. I huffed, rolling onto my back and opening my eyes, staring at the ceiling. She was silent for a moment before speaking up, "We should probably talk..."

"Yeah, probably," I mumbled, my mood suddenly turning sour. Not to any fault of the girl laying next to me, but because of the way I had acted over the last few weeks. I bit down hard on my lip, shuffling around to sit up in Rory's bed and face her. "Listen, I'm sorry."


"Please," I interjected, cutting her off before she could say anything else. "Just let me speak first, ya can shout at us all ya want after that." She stared at me with uncertainty before nodding her head, raising her thumb to her mouth to chew at her nail, a nervous habit of hers I absolutely despised. I wanted nothing more than to pull it from her lips but I continued my monologue instead. "I'm sorry. I've been an absolute cunt to ya, I know and I feel awful about it. I-I've been so stressed out lately and I know it's not an excuse but I've been taking it out on you and it's not fair.

"I know I'm not the easiest to put up with, I'm closed off, moody and a right dick when I want to be. I jump to conclusions way too quickly, but it's only cause I'm so scared that I'll lose ya. That you'll walk away. I know my communication isn't the best and I'm sorry, but there's some things I don't want to burden ya with. My problems are mine to deal with, not yours...

"I shouldn't have made assumptions about the song, I-I just... I heard it and my mind instantly jumped to the worst. I was so hurt, I thought it was your way of breaking up with us, so I did first. It was fuckin' stupid, I know and... the stuff I said to ya... I got an earful from Dean and a million voicemails from Harlow having a go at us, which I completely deserved," I sighed. By now, salty tears were streaming down Rory's face and she looked like she wanted to interrupt me, but kept quiet. "The whole... Natalie thing... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought her up. I shouldn't have let her get to me or listened to anything she ever said to me about ya. You're my best friend, I'm the one who knows ya, not her.

"Dean told us what happened that night back at the Low Lights. Why didn't ya tell me? Ya think I would've kept them around if I knew that they were talking shit about ya?" I frowned.

She shrugged, sniffling out, "I dunna, I thought that maybe you would chose Natalie over me. That you'd realise that she's what ya wanted. I mean I wouldn't blame ya, she's beautiful."

My heart shattered at her words. I pursed my lips together, bringing her into my arms and hugging her tightly into my chest as she collapsed into a fit of sobs. "Don't ya ever say that again, alreet? Rory, there's no one in this world that I would ever choose over ya, maybe me mam like, but you're too important to me to lose. Ya should've told us."

"I know, I'm sorry," she cried.

"Aye, none of that now," I scolded her gently as I rubbed her back until her sobs quietened into soft sniffles. "Besides, ya've still got to shout at us. Ya can't do that if you're crying like."

"Shut up," she giggled, wiping the tears tracks from her face before turning serious. "I'm sorry, too."

"What're ya sorry about, ya div?" I frowned.

"I should've played you the song before I uploaded it," she muttered, tilting her head downwards to avoid my eyes.

"Ya shouldn't have to," I told her as my eyebrows furrowed, lifting her chin so I could look at her. "But... I wouldn't mind if ya played your songs to us before you released them, get the exclusives like."

"You're such an idiot," she laughed, resting one of her hands on my cheek, her thumb stroking the skin there.

"Ya think I'm joking! I'm your biggest fan," I grinned, leaning into her touch.

"I think ya've got a few people to fight for that spot," she snorted as she placed her head against my chest.

"I'll fight Harls any day, ya know that," I scowled playfully, eliciting a loud laugh from the girl in my arms and after a month of radio silence from her, it was like music to my ears. A wide smile grew across my face as I pressed a kiss against her hairline and rested my chin atop her head. "Promise me though, if ya ever feel like you're falling asleep at the wheel, you'll tell us?" I asked as I offered her my pinky.

"Promise," she whispered, interlocking her pinky finger with mine, the two of us kissing our thumbs before joining them together

"What d'ya say? Will ya take us back?" I asked nervously.

"Course, I will," she smiled, lifting her head to press a timid kiss against my lips. It was a sweet relief after not having felt them in a month and I selfishly wanted more. I pushed her backwards on the bed, earning a loud squeal from the blonde, and straddled her body. I reconnected my lips with hers, one hand propping me up above her and the other finding her hip, my thumb brushing the material of her pyjama shorts.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world," I spoke quietly as we parted for a moment. One I used to study the lines around her face, committing them to memory and admiring the glimmer in her crystal blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean.

"I love you, Sam," she mumbled shyly, her hand stroking the hair at the nape of my neck.

"I love you, too, Scarl," I replied before covering her lips with mine once more. It was what my plans for the day consisted of. She didn't really have any choice in the matter.

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