Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six

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"Hiya, darlin'," Sam greeted me with a big smile as the FaceTime call connected.

"Hello," I smiled as I rested my phone against the coffee machine on the kitchen counter to make myself a cup of tea. "Y'alreet? How's tour gan?"

"It's class!" he exclaimed. "I miss yer though. Miss yous both."

"We miss yer too," I sighed sadly, holding my hand over my bump. The baby had been kicking non-stop since Sam had answered the call, clearly having heard his dad's voice but it only served to remind me that there were more than 3000 miles between us.

"How is the lil' lad?" he asked softly.

"He knows his daddy ain't here, that's for sure," I admitted. "He won't settle at all."

"I'm sorry, darlin'," he sighed.

"It's not your fault," I assured him gently.

"I know but I feel awful, I bet ya've not had a wink of sleep," he murmured guiltily.

"Eh, it's only practice for when he comes along, ain't it?" I joked, spooning the sugar into my favourite mug.

"Everything else alreet?" he inquired, almost suspiciously.

"Everything's fine," I smiled as I poured the boiling hot water from the kettle into the cup.

It was almost like he knew me too well. I had been experiencing random migraines over the past week, some of them getting so bad that my vision was blurring and I was throwing up but I didn't want to mention anything and worry him whilst he was so far away. I had never suffered from migraines before but my aunt got them a lot, so I knew how bad they could be. It was probably nothing but the familiar cluster of pain in my head that was beginning to manifest made me feel like it was going to explode.

I could tell he didn't believe me but he didn't interrogate me any further, instead delving into a story about his trip around New York. I listened intently as I made my tea, a light smile on my lips as I drank in his words. I could honestly listen to him talk for hours and not get bored for a minute. His voice was like velvet to my ears.

He had left for tour almost two weeks ago now and I was missing him like mad. Everything was so much easier when he was by my side. He settled my anxieties, wiped away my tears and held my hand when I needed it.

Trying to sleep without him was near impossible. I had grown used to sleeping in his arms, my back pressed against his front and his arm splayed over my waist with his hand clutching my bump protectively. It was the only way I could sleep because it was the only way the baby would.

He would often speak to him when he was causing me grief, which nine times out of ten was when I was trying to sleep. I couldn't complain though. Seeing Sam interacting with our son was the best feeling ever and I often found myself trying to commit the moments to memory.

I let out a quiet sigh as I rolled over for the fifth time in the space of ten minutes, unable to fall asleep for the life of me. Lying on my back and staring up at the ceiling, I rested a hand over my bump and internally willed my son to settle. Anything just to let me have even an hour's sleep. 

"He keeping yer up?" Sam asked groggily as he turned his head on the pillow to stare at me as best he could in the darkened room.

"Mmm," I hummed tiredly.

He let out a loud yawn as he turned over on his side and placed his hand over mine. "Hiya, kidda, mam ain't happy with yer-"

"Sam," I objected.

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