Chapter Five

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I was laying in my bed, moping when my attention was immediately grabbed by my phone buzzing. I hastily grabbed it, hoping that today had just been a misunderstanding, that Sam really had been feeling under the weather and he was calling to apologise now. My shoulders dropped and the hopeful smile on my face was wiped away when my eyes focussed on Harlow's name lit up on the screen. Begrudgingly, I pressed the answer button and lifted my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"What're ya doing right now?" she asked. That girl had way too much energy, she sounded like a child who had just eaten a bag of sugar.

"I'm in me room... why?" I frowned, staring up at the ceiling as I threw myself back against my pillow.

"You're coming over mine," she told me.

"What? No-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer, Rory. I'm outside, so shift your arse," she interrupted, ending the phone call before I could protest further. I let out a frustrated groan and dragged myself out of bed, blindly throwing on a jumper and trudging my way downstairs.

"Dad, I'm gan oot!" I yelled, earning a loud 'alreet' in reply. I swung the front door open, immediately being greeted by Harlow. "I hate ya."

"None of that now," she grinned, looping her arm through mine and pulling me along. "We're gan pop to the shops first, grab some snacks."

"Doesn't sound too bad, I suppose," I mumbled.

"Are you and Sam really that close?" she asked quietly after a few beats.

"Yeah. Me, Dean and Sam are practically inseparable," I smiled softly, resting my head on her shoulder as we made our way to the nearest shop.

"I wasn't asking about Dean, I was asking about you and Sam," she spoke knowingly.

"Uh, yeah... he's me best friend?" I replied in confusion.

"That all?" she questioned.

"This an interrogation of sommat?" I frowned, not liking the way my belly flipped at her accusations.

"S'just obvious that ya like him," she told me. Immediately, my body tensed up. "I won't tell anyone. Promise."

"It's stupid anyway. He don't like us like that, all I am to him is his best friend," I sighed, running my free hand over my face in frustration. "I'll get over it soon."

"Ya know, I really did think ya were a couple yesterday," she mumbled, loud enough that you didn't have to strain your ears to hear. "You'd be so cute together, I reckon."

"Guess we'll never know," I muttered, pulling her into the shop.

"Well, he's a fuckin' idiot if he don't see what's right in front of him," she huffed, eyes scanning the shelves for whatever tickled her fancy.

"Can we talk about something else now?" I groaned, watching as she grabbed some chocolate bars and bags of sweets.

"Like what?"

"How Dean was totally giving you the eyes earlier," I grinned, happy to flip the conversation on its head.

"What? No, he was not!" she gaped, looking at me with wide eyes. "Was he?"

"You like him, don't ya?" I squealed. Her lack of reply was telling. "You do!"

"Shh!" She yelled mortified, giving you a look of caution. "What're ya gan do?"

"Nothing," I gleamed.

"Rory!" she protested.

"Rory, that you?" A voice pulled us from our conversation. I swirled around to see none other than Shirley Fender standing in front of me.

"Oh, hi, Shirl," I smiled as the older woman pulled me into a tight hug.

"How're you? I feel like I've not seen you in bloody days!" she asked.

"I'm good. How are you?" I replied.

"I'm alreet, thanks pet. Sorry, where are my manners? Who's your friend?" she questioned as her eyes landed on Harlow beside me.

"This is Harlow, she's just moved here. Harls, this is Shirley, Sam's mam," I introduced.

"You're Sam's mam?" Harlow gaped. "Sorry, you're just not what I pictured."

"Divn't ya worry your little head about that. I get it all the time. Sam's his father's son, through and through! The bloody spit of him. Wouldn't believe I carried him for nine months!" Shirley snorted.

"How is he?" I asked, eager to hear about the boy who had, most likely, been ignoring me all day.

"He's not himself that's for sure, but that must just be the migraine," she muttered.

"Yeah, the migraine," I smiled forcefully. Migraine?

"It was lush seeing ya, was nice to meet ya, Harlow, but I'd better be off. I don't trust that boy on his own for too long," she grinned, waving her goodbyes.

"Bye!" Harlow and I replied in unison.

"Rory?" Harlow called after a few moments of silence.

"He lied to me," I frowned to myself.


"He told me he had a stomach bug," I mumbled, "Not a migraine."

"Maybe he just needed a day or two to himself," she assured you.

"Yeah, maybe."

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