Chapter Sixteen

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"Will ya just tell us where we're going?" I groaned, arms out in front of me to make up for my lack of vision, taken by the blindfold Harlow had forced over my eyes.

"It's a surprise. Now shut up and walk," Harlow snorted as she continued to guide me along. We had been walking for a good fifteen minutes now and hoped that we would make it to the destination very soon, whatever that was.

"Are we nearly there yet?" I asked.

"Almost," she huffed. I continued on, feeling the consistency of the ground beneath me change. Was that sand?

"Are we at the beach?" I frowned as I struggled to walk, the lack of levelness in the sand making it ten times harder to do so. I scowled when my best friend gave me no reply, simply guiding me further down that beach, or that's what I assumed anyway.

"We're here!" she announced, carefully lifting the blindfold from my eyes. My eyes burned as they adjusted to the light of the glowing sun. It was around five thirty in the evening and nearing the end of March, so there was still about an hour of light left before the sun began setting, enough to force me to squint my eyes to make out the picture in front of me. I gasped, tears stinging my eyes as I noticed the picnic blanket splayed across the floor, decorated with various bits of my favourite foods and drinks as well as flower petals and twinkling fairy lights. Looking up, my eyes locked with my boyfriend's, who was standing with his hands clasped nervously around a bouquet of flowers, a mixture of sunflowers and roses. He looked as handsome as ever dressed in a pair of trousers and a button-up that looked to be about two sizes too big for him. It was probably one of Liam's old ones.

"Happy birthday, Scarl," Sam smiled widely as he strode toward me, offering me the arrangement, which I took gratefully.

"Thank you," I sniffed, pressing my lips softly to his in a sweet kiss before pulling away. "They're beautiful. This is beautiful. Did ya do all this yourself?"

"I had some help," he smirked, eyes drifting to the side of my head. I turned to look in the direction he was and noticed Dean and Harlow making a swift exit, hand-in-hand with each other as they sent us an encouraging thumbs up. I laughed and rested my head against Sam's chest, adjusting the flowers in my grip. "Come on." Sam grasped my hand and pulled me to sit down on the blanket, right beside him. I rested the bouquet at my side and watched as he dug into his pocket and brought out a small wrapped box, holding it out for me to take. "I know it ain't much, but-"

"Hey," I interrupted him with a gentle kiss, "Whatever it is, I already love. Alreet?" He watched nervously as I unwrapped the box and lifted the lid, revealing a gold necklace with a small 'S' pendant attached. I let out a small gasp as I carefully pulled it from the box, allowing Sam to take it gently from my grasp and put it on me. "It's lush, Sam. I love it so much."

"Really?" he asked unsurely. I touched the pendant, staring down at where it rested on my sternum before sending him a large smile.

"It's gan be a hard one to beat that's for sure," I grinned, grasping the back of his neck and pulling him in for a passionate kiss. His hands steadied themselves on my hips, clutching at the fabric that covered them and swiping his tongue across my bottom lip, soon using it to explore my mouth.

"You're amazing," he spoke breathlessly as we pulled away, my hand lingering on his cheek and using my thumb to gently stroke the skin there.

"You're the amazing one," I told him as he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I wish we could just stay like this forever."

"Yeah, me too," he sighed. "This is my favourite place in the world, ya know."

"In the world?" I giggled as I reached to grab a sandwich from one of the Tupperware containers. "Ya haven't even explored the world yet and you're telling me your favourite place is King Edward's Bay?"

"I don't need to. This place is where our relationship started, where we had our first kiss... I don't need to see the rest of the world to know that this is it for me," he smiled, resting his hand over mine.

"You're gan make us cry in a minute," I laughed as I fanned away tears from my eyes.

"That's the goal," he grinned, bumping his shoulder into mine. "Maybe I'll find a new favourite place in the years to come, somewhere we can make new memories."

"Sounds incredible," I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder. "Where's the one place that you want to go?"

"I don't care, s'long as you're by my side," he told me as he lifted his arm around me and pulled me into his side.

"I've always wanted to go to New York," I admitted, admiring the waves as they crashed against the shore.

"I'm sure ya'll be oot there all the time when you make it big," he grinned.

"Ya mean if," I scoffed.

"Nah, I know what I meant," he said. "You, Aurora Nightingale, are gan places."

"You're just saying that cause I'm your girlfriend," I muttered.

"Am not. I mean it, Scarl. You're sommat special, once-in-a-lifetime special. Ya might not believe us, but give it a couple of years and you'll see," he smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Well, I don't care what happens, s'long as you're by me side," I beamed, tilting my head to stare at him with a wide grin. 

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