Morning Sun

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Beams of morning light seeping through Jimmy's bedroom blinds lifted Y/N out of her sleep. She squinted and flipped over to face away from the brightness, landing on something soft and warm. Y/N shuffled backwards, confused, before remembering where she was, and realising that she had just leaned herself on Jimmy's shirt...with Jimmy inside it.

He laughed. "Good morning."

"Morning..." Y/N grumbled. Then she sat herself up suddenly. "Wait, I have work. What time is it?"

Jimmy smiled and reached over to Y/N's shoulder, pulling her gently back down into the bed. "I've already called them. You don't have to go in today."

"What...?" Y/N whispered in awe, staring up at the ceiling.

"I've informed your coworkers you won't make it in today, is that okay?" asked Jimmy, suddenly seeming a little concerned he'd done something Y/N didn't want him to.

"Yeah, it's perfect. Thank you." Y/N noticed the silence throughout the apartment. "Where's Kay? And Don?"

"Kay's out running errands for me, and Don's still asleep."

Anxiety flared up in Y/N's chest again. Her and Jimmy would have time to themselves. It could be a good thing, but it also meant there would be no one else to fill in the awkward silences. Everything Jimmy said aloud, Y/N would have to be the one to answer.

Jimmy grinned. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," said Y/N awkwardly.

"I bet it felt good in my arms."

Y/N's face flushed red and she froze, before brushing it off with an embarrassed laugh. "How is Kay?" she said, changing the subject.

"I don't know, she didn't mention anything about last night."

Y/N grimaced. "I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing."

"So, what are you up to today?" asked Jimmy.

Y/N suddenly felt like a burden. Jimmy was a busy man, and here she was, lazing around in his apartment, still in bed, with no plan of when she was going to leave or what she'd do when she did. It was time she left Jimmy and let him get on with his day. "Um...probably go home, take a shower...what are you doing?"

Jimmy's expression took on a hint of disappointment. "Probably gonna work out, have a meeting with the producers, rehearsals, then another show."

Y/N aah'd and nodded, pressing her lips together in an awkward smile. "Soo...I'd better get going, then." She stepped out of bed, self-conscious of the daytime clothes she'd slept in emitting her own body odour.

"Well, you could take a shower here," Jimmy suggested quickly. Y/N's heart dropped. Did she smell that bad? "And, if you're not doing anything today, you could come along with me," he added. Y/N let out a secret sigh of relief. He couldn't think she was that repulsive, then.
"Yeah, I'd love to, if you don't mind me being there," said Y/N.

"Of course not!" said Jimmy. "I'm sorry I didn't give you a change of clothes last night. I don't actually have anything here, but Kay's picking you an outfit up right now."

The thought of Kay choosing something for Y/N put her slightly on edge. She still wasn't sure if Kay actually had a problem with her, but Kay sure did want Jimmy for herself, so Y/N wouldn't put it past her to make her look bad.

"I'm thinking, maybe I could hit the gym while you get yourself ready to give you a bit of privacy or alone time or whatever."

"If you want," said Y/N cheerily.

"It's not," said Jimmy, "but I still think it's a good idea." A clicking, then creaking, came from the front door. Y/N braced herself for anything, but Jimmy simply said, "That must be Kay with your clothes, now. I'll get the shower going for you."

Jimmy wandered off into the bathroom, and Kay made her way to the bedroom door, knocking on it gently.


Question: What would your reaction be to waking up next to Jimmy?

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