Whirlwind World

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Y/N's face dropped, and Jimmy and Kay stared at her, tensely waiting to find out what she was being told on the phone. She wasn't sure if Jimmy's face looked a little too worried...

"So, can you find out who did it?" Y/N asked. "Like, fingerprints on the drug packet or something? Is there any CCTV?"

"We've only just found out this much, Miss Y/L/N, but we're looking into all the sources we can. It is most likely that we'll test the fingerprints, and if there are any security cameras, we'll watch back the footage. We'll give you a call if we find out anything else, okay?"

"Okay," said Y/N. "Thank you."



Y/N put the phone down.

"What have they found out?" asked Jimmy.

"They found a packet containing the same drug that I overdosed on," said Y/N. Wasn't the drug Jimmy was about to take at the party in a packet, too? But, then again, most drugs are kept in them...

"Who would wanna do that to you, though?" Jimmy asked.

"Maybe the drugs accidentally spilled in the drink," said Kay. "Or...maybe someone was trying to kill you, Jimmy, but put it in the wrong cup!"

"I'd love to say I'm not that sought after, but...you could be right," said Jimmy.

If this would've happened a day ago, Y/N would've probably assumed it was Kay who put the drugs in her drink. After all, Kay had a reason to. But now...her love Jimmy, and possibly her friend Alice were her top suspects. It really hurt that she felt she couldn't trust any of the people closest to her in life. There was not one person surrounding her that she wouldn't put past being innocent.

"Y/N...I really, really hate to suggest this, but I don't know her personally, so you can't blame me for asking...do you think your mother could've been behind it, trying to poison me?" asked Jimmy.

Jimmy still thought Y/N's mother didn't like him and was trying to get rid of him by exposing Y/N's biggest secret and making her look like a bad person. Either, he was guilty and trying to pin the blame, or he really was just trying to find the culprit. If she applied his suspicion to the real person who hated Jimmy and wanted to split him up from Y/N, it would be Alice. Y/N hated keeping the Alice situation to herself—she really wanted to talk to someone about it, and for someone to tell her that Alice is all talk and would never actually poison her. She decided that the next time she had a conversation with the police, she'd go in a room without Jimmy and inform them of her suspicions about Alice...and maybe even about Jimmy himself. It was all just so mind-boggling and confusing, she needed someone else to help her keep track of things.


After another hour or so of waiting around, Y/N received a call. It was the police again.

"Hello, Y/N, this is Officer Busher again. We have found fingerprints on the drugs, and we've tested them to see if they match the barista, and they do. He's been detained. Also, something worth mentioning is that we've been working alongside some of the doctors at the hospital, and the amount of drugs in your drink wouldn't have been enough to kill you. Either the person who put them in the cup, which we're leaning towards believing was the barista, didn't intend to kill you, or perhaps just hadn't done their research on the amount needed."

After Y/N thanked Officer Busher and ended the call once again, a text popped up on her phone. Dread overwhelmed her when she saw who it was sent from. Nonetheless, she clicked it open.

ALICE: Your secret will remain safe with me if you get $10,00 from your little friend Jimmy and hand it over to me.
Before you say he won't believe me, I've found a witness...the very victim at the centre of your secret.
You're on bought time...and that time will be up in one day.

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