Double Bogey

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About an hour and a half had passed before Y/N, Jimmy, and Don had gotten ready and driven to the golf course. Kay had a day off and had went to visit her family, which Y/N was relieved about, as she wouldn't have to endure any awkward conversation with her.

They entered the front building and Jimmy spoke to the receptionist, paying for both of their entries. Inside was also a cafe, toilets, and a shop.

Out of the back entrance and onto the actual golf course, the snow had cleared up and the sun was out. Y/N was in awe—it was definitely a rich person's golf course. Set in front of mountains, the course stretched out for miles, with pine trees twisting around each corner.

Jimmy held Y/N's hand as they approached a small group of his friends waiting on the field. He introduced her to Justin Timberlake, Patrick Mahomes, and Travis Kelce.

They were upbeat and polite, with Justin even complimenting Y/N's champagne dress, which she was wearing yet again.

"You know what, I might quickly go get a coffee or something before we start," said Jimmy. "Anyone else want anything from the cafe?"

Y/N said she wanted her usual coffee, and the others told Jimmy what they wanted, too.

When Jimmy was in the cafe getting their orders, it was a little awkward for Y/N to wait with his friends, and she regretted not going in with him.

"So, you're with Jimmy, huh?" said Justin, grinning.

"Yeah," Y/N giggled.

"So, what's he like in bed?" Justin asked.

Y/N started to feel anxious with the direction of the conversation. "Sleepy...he just sleeps in his bed," she said awkwardly.

That seemed to be a good enough answer, because Justin, Patrick, and Travis laughed.


They chatted amongst themselves, luckily about subjects other than Y/N and Jimmy, and, soon enough, Jimmy returned with the drinks.

After making their way towards the starting point, they began to play. Jimmy was skilled at golf, his ball easily getting close to the hole. The others were good, too...except Y/N.

She was fairly good at most things, usually performing at a decent level at any hobby she tried out, but golf just didn't seem to be one of them.

Her aim was off no matter how hard she tried, and the ball just kept flying off in the wrong direction. One time, it even landed in shrubs at the root of a tree, and she had to run off, rummaging through it in front of Jimmy and his friends. She hoped Jimmy wouldn't be put off of her, but she knew his heart was bigger than that.


It was a long, boring hour and a half later when Y/N felt the sudden urge to use the puke and poop. Her stomach and bowels were churning, but she was so far from the front building, and it was too risky to run to it.

She glanced nervously at the others. Apart from Jimmy, they had barely acknowledged her the entire time, and were focused so intently on the game that they'd never know if she slipped away for a few minutes to relieve the surrounding woodland.

After placing her golf club and coffee cup on the ground, she quietly began walking towards the trees. The sickly feeling became too much for her, though, and she threw up in her mouth. On that note, she broke into a quick jog, before slowing back down again when she felt like she could have an accident in her underwear.

What on Earth was happening to her? Why now?

She entered the woodland, hid amongst a few trees, spat out her vomit, vomited some more, pulled up her dress, and let out a puddle of diarrhoea.

That wasn't the end of it, though. She began to feel overwhelmingly hot, balls of sweat dripping from her forehead. She sat herself on the floor beside her own faeces, and tried to wipe her forehead with her hand, but that was wet with sweat, too. She was just a slimy mess. She grasped at the chest of her dress, trying to fan herself with it, but her arms were weak with sickness and shaking with fear.

That familiar feeling of faintness from the day before returned to her. Her ears started to ring, and the last thing she saw before bright colours overtook her vision was...the flash of what looked like a camera peeking out from behind a tree.


Question: Why do you think Y/N is suddenly ill?

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