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When the police arrived, Y/N and Jimmy explained the situation to them.

"Right," one officer said after hearing the story. "We're gonna go down to the golf course, have a look around, and question anyone there—that includes the barista and your friends, Jimmy."

They didn't seem to suspect Jimmy at all, and Y/N wasn't sure if that made her feel better or worse. Maybe it meant she was silly to think there was any chance it could've been him...but maybe it meant she didn't have any smart police officers helping her, that none of them would look deep enough and find out who really did it.

There was no way she could openly confront Jimmy about her worry. It was more than likely that he didn't spike her—she just couldn't imagine it. If he really was who he had been presenting himself as for the past two days—the person Y/N fell in love with—it would hurt him so much and break his trust if Y/N voiced her concern.

And, even if he did spike her, it wouldn't be a wise decision to confront him about it, anyway. Instead, it would be best to pretend she wasn't suspicious and analyse him secretly so he wouldn't be on guard. Keeping her feelings to herself worked either way.


Soon, Y/N was hooked up to an IV drip to flush the toxins out of her body the best the doctors could, and she started to feel a lot better. Her mind wasn't foggy, and she had her strength back. Jimmy sat in the visitor chair beside her, and there was so much she wanted to chat to him about, but she felt she couldn't talk to him like normal until he was one hundred percent sure in the clear. So, instead, she pretended to be sleepy, and they sat in silence.

That was, until Kay turned up with a shopping bag and bouquet of flowers. She rushed towards Y/N.

"Y/N, Don told me you were in hospital and I had to come here straight away! Well, after I bought you these," Kay gushed, placing the flowers on Y/N's bedside and passing her the shopping bag. "So, what exactly happened? Are you okay?"

Y/N smiled reassuringly. "I'm fine, don't worry. Apparently I've been spiked with a drug, but I'm on an IV, now." She opened the bag. Inside was a change of clothes—casual ones, this time—and lots of other small necessities. "Kay, you really didn't need to get me all of this! Thank you so much!"

Kay perched nervously on the edge of the bed. "I really did. The flowers aren't just because you're in hospital...they're actually an apology for how I framed you for the fire alarm. I'm really, really sorry."

Good Kay and bad Kay were like two different people, and Y/N found it almost impossible to hate Kay when she was being her good side. And, besides, she seemed genuinely sorry. Maybe it was just a one-off mistake. "You've already apologised, Kay. I forgive you." She smiled again.

Y/N was in the middle of wondering if she'd ever get an apology from Ariana Grande, and if Kay and Ariana had a thing going on between them, when her phone suddenly started to ring. She answered it and held it up to her ear.

"Hello, this Aimee Busher from the Marsow County Police Department, is this Y/N Y/L/N I'm speaking to?"

"Hi, yes," said Y/N, her heart beating a little faster.

"We've found some information from the golf course. It seems there are traces of the same drug you overdosed on in the coffee cup you were drinking out of, but more importantly, a crushed packet of the drugs was found stashed behind the counter of the golf coffee shop."

Jimmy, My Joy (Jimmy Fallon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now