Chapter 1

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It's 9.30a.m. in the Friday morning, everyone was in the great hall for breakfast including the marauders where everyone was chatting and eating peacefully.

Some are so excited since the weekends about to begin and some are complaining about the homeworks they will have to finish by this week

"Well it's time now, I got to go guys, don't want to be late for my Ancient Runes, see you all later" Remus said while getting up, picking his things from his seat and walked out of the great hall

"I guess I'm lucky for having few free periods to have my beauty sleep before transfiguration and charms" said Sirius dramatically

Peter and James roared a laughter at this but James' eyes suddenly widen as he realize that he have not yet finished his transfiguration essay which is due today because he needs to add something in it that is very 'James like' according to him.

"Oh shit!" breathed James

"I still have to add some magic touches in my essay" as he told to both of them who was now looking at him with a 'are you for real' look

"well you could have just added it yesterday when Moony was actually forcing us to get it done!" Sirius replied

And all of them remembers how Remus was staring at them intensely till they finish their essays and smirked

"Well it's not like I could have helped or let you guys copy mine this time and oh! congratulations on finishing your works on your own!"

It is all because of Professor McGonagall has been stricter than ever when it comes to homeworks these year and the last thing they want is a really angry Minnie

"Well, I need to add a James' touch to it to impress our Minnie" James said as he got up from his seat

"Where are you going?" asked Sirius

"To the library of course" James answered as it was an obvious

To which Sirius and Peter looked at him surprised and gasped

"Since when did you became an excellent student, well I think we must have been hanging out for so long with Moony that you caught yourself a little piece of his habits" Sirius said in a teasing manner

"Going to library doesn't make me excellent padfoot, but I must say I did caught a piece of Moony tho, and I really need some ideas for my essay's finishing touch too" James winked and slung his bag on his shoulder while walking out of the Great hall before either Sirius or Peter says anything else.

James indeed really picked up this habit of going to library from Remus. One day, he did listen to Remus and followed him to the library to finish of their pending tasks, he felt quite in peace and could finish off his tasks as soon as he could than in his dorm with Sirius and Peter. They were a massive distraction as they all would end up planning some new pranks to pull off and end up begging Remus to help them with their homeworks the next day

Shaking his head from the thoughts, James makes his way to the library through the long corridor with students going back and forth to their respective classes.

James reached his hands to open the library door and entered, once he stepped inside, he takes in the smell of the books which was mixed with all the old and new ones which he has grown to like about

As he walked through the tall racks filled with all sorts books, James found the book he needed and then walked to his favourite space in the library which was the table at the very end of the corner, where there's a big window which perfectly shows his favourite place at the castle, the Quidditch pitch

As he sat, he took out his quill and the parchment of his unfinished essay from his bag, he opened the book he took just now to find the page with the information he needed. And in no time he started filling in his ideas

James was too focused and determined on giving his essay some magical touch just to impress professor McGonagall. He did not realize that someone just sat opposite of him and was watching him

"Well, well, well, who would have thought that the famous James Potter would be so engrossed with his essay" said that voice, which broke James from his focus, he shot his head up to see who's voice was it and was surprised to see who was sitting infront of him.

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