Chapter 29

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"Hye moony" James said hoarsely but he was smiling which was a good sign, Peter just nodded to Remus with a smile, to which Remus smiled back

"Hye Prongs" Remus smiled while sitting on the corner of the bed, "How are you feeling now?" He asked remembering what happened earlier how James was screaming in agony where he felt useless not being able to do anything but stood there frozen

"Well I just woke up and I'm doing perfectly fine moony, you don't need to worry about anything" James smiled, Remus just silently nodded his head and kept quiet

"You know what? I am going to sneak around to find some snacks for you Prongs, see you all in awhile" Peter said and walked away leaving both of them alone, James just laughed a little before sighing softly and looked up at the ceiling calmly. James was appreciating the silence for a moment before it started to stress him off

"Moony" He called slowly, earning no reply

"Moony" he called again which was also not answered. For a moment James thought he had lost his voice but remembered he was talking just fine just a moment ago and he sighed again, relieved that his voice is still there

And now he thought maybe Remus has left him alone which he highly doubt that because he would have let him know if he was leaving. So he slightly raised his head from his pillow to see whether Remus was still there or not and he was relieved to see that Remus was still there sitting at the corner of the bed

James smiled, wanting to call Remus' name out loudly but that smile quickly turned into a frown when he noticed that Remus was in a daze and he seemed like he has forgotten where he was. James then carefully got up from his lying position and sat up straight before slowly moving himself closer to Remus who was sitting there like a statue

"Moony" he said slowly and once again frowned when Remus didn't respond to him. So he slightly tilted his head forward to look at Remus' face and his heart dropped. Remus looked so pale and his eyes were tearing up but it seems like he was controlling it from falling unconsciously

"Oh my- moony" James said while completely facing Remus side and gently shook his shoulder but that wasn't enough

"Moony!" He called loudly, this time shaking him with a little force which pulled Remus out from his daze. Remus quickly shakes his head and turned towards James with a sad but shock look

"What is it Prongs? Are you okay? Does it still hurts? Do I need to call Madam Pomfrey for you?" He shot James with so many questions at a time and James just looked at him

"I'm totally fine moony, and there's no need to call Madam Pomfrey" he said with a confused smile

"Okay Prongs" Remus nodded at him while giving him a small smile and then the sad face appeared again



"What happened?"

"What Prongs?" Remus was confused before his eyes widen "You don't remember what happened? Shit! I think it's the impact of the curse, I should let Madam Pomfrey know about this" Remus stood up hastily to find Madam Pomfrey before James reached out to grab him by his arm

"Remus! Stop! I'm fine! And I totally remember what happened alright" he said while eyeing him to sit back down and Remus eyed him up and down twice to make sure he's really alright before sitting back down with a sigh

"Then what is it Prongs?" Remus asked

"I'm supposed to ask you that, what is it with you?"

"What do you mean what is it with me?" Remus asked while looking at James

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