Chapter 36

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"I'm jealous of the stars right now" James said breathlessly from all the running he did to be upstairs of the astronomy tower as soon as he can just to see Regulus

Regulus who was admiring the stars never looked away from it but had a soft smile playing on his lips when he heard James' voice, 'ahh it feels like it's been so long since I last heard his voice' he thought

"And why is that?" Regulus asked still not looking at James

"Because they have your attention more than I do" James said clearly smiling

"That's so lame Potter" Regulus complained while rolling his eyes but he couldn't hide his smile that was more visible. James just chuckled and walked towards Regulus and stood beside him to look at the sky that was filled with stars, twinkling and shining here and there. It was a perfect weather and place to actually stargaze and James seems to just understand better why people love to do it so much

"Well I can see why they have your attention now" James said his eyes was now stuck at the sky to which Regulus just hummed and said nothing. They were both stargazing together in silence with the cold breeze hitting them more due to the snowing season

"That's Sirius" Regulus pointed at a constellation and smiled in an adoring way

James looked at the constellation Regulus was pointing first before looking at Regulus again, where to him Regulus was looking even more prettier than this night itself. Regulus' usually pale face was flushed with a slight hint of pink because of the cold air caressing his face and his freckles was more visible due to that which seems to be James' favourite trait of Regulus now. His hair looked so silky and moved slowly together with the wind when it blows which tempted James to just run his hands through it if he was allowed. The moonlight and the stars are really doing justice for Regulus' eyes, because they compliment his grey eyes more. James was very much pleased that he existed till this day to be able to witness this, it's as if Regulus owns the night and he was glad he came here on time

"Where's Regulus then?" James asked while admiring Regulus who was admiring Sirius' constellation

"Right there" Regulus said pointing at it with a small smile and James' eyes caught the constellation in seconds before having a small smile on his face

"I should have focused in my astronomy class before" James commented to which Regulus just chuckled

"No point regretting it now Potter" Regulus said

"Its not my fault when you are not the professor" James said which made Regulus to pretend as if he choked on the air

"Are you alright?" James asked worriedly

"No I couldn't breathe properly because the air is full of your nonsense" Regulus said while rolling his eyes still not looking at James

"Ahh but you liked it didn't you?" James asked being so full of himself

"I would be a madman if I say yes" Regulus replied indifferently

"Ouch" James said dramatically to which Regulus just suppressed himself from smiling and tried to pay attention on the stars instead of James

"Just look at the stars and the constellations Potter"

"But I like to look at this star named Regulus instead" James said while looking at Regulus who was clearly trying his best to ignore him

To Regulus this was a perfect night, the sky was full of stars that was surrounding the moon which was a sight that he didn't want to miss seeing together with the cold breeze that's hitting his face and the snow that has covered mostly every single greens. Most importantly, James was there with him, what more could he ask for. He was very content at the moment with his surroundings and the person who was with him but suddenly his mind went back to the dark reality he was meant to live forever. The more he tries to avoid it the more it comes back with a force just to consume him all over again. He frowned for a moment before finally looking at James who now fully had his attention in trying his best to count the stars in a very serious manner

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