Chapter 21

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"Can you at least smile a little Prongs? Your face now looks so unbearable" Peter said looking at James annoyedly

"Don't look at me then" James replied

"Um you are sitting right infront of me, that whenever I chose to look up, I see your so not Potter like face" Peter said

James huffed and looked around them, they went to the library after breakfast since they are free

"Well I can just move to another table if it annoys you that much" James said while standing up

"Oh shut it both of you" Remus finally said taking his eyes from his book

"How nice of you to let us know you are still here" James said sarcastically "it was like it's just the both of us are here the whole time" Peter continued

Remus just rolled his eyes and closed his book, "You know what? I think I'll go find Sirius" he said starting to get up

"Well Moony, it's been just awhile only he's not here..." Peter said eyeing Remus "....and you are missing him already?" James asked and continued "Plus we just came here...", "But we understand that you, you know can't be without him by your side...." Peter said

"So you are free to go now" both of them said while smirking and Remus was shocked that he had to blink many times of what his bestfriends were saying at the moment and had a tiny hint of blush that was getting darker time to time when he finally get that they were teasing him.

Remus then cleared his throat and pick up his book while standing up from his chair "Just want to make sure he doesn't stir any troubles or he might get detentions, and if he gets detentions, he won't finish his homeworks and if he doesn't finish his homeworks, he will not let me sleep peacefully at night! Plus we have class later, don't want him to be late for that" he stated and with that he quickly walked away not wanting to hear more teasing.

"He just wanted to escape didn't he?" Peter asked smilingly

"And he successfully did" James chuckled and continued "trust me wormtail, my instincts says that it won't be too long before it's their turn to actually confess"

"I know but I hope it won't be in the middle of the pitch like you did" Peter said smirking at James and James just rolled his eyes in embarrassment "let it go already wormyyy" he whined, "Hmmm let me think, Never" Peter said like it was too obvious to even ask and James turned away grumpily ignoring the chuckles from Peter.

"Do you think Padfoot would talk to me again Pete?" James asked slowly after awhile, Peter looked at James sighing "He will Prongs, of course he will but give him time yeah?" Peter said looking away unable to see James hurt face, to which James didn't reply or do anything, he just went back to his reading.

"What?! Answer did he really did that?!" Barty asked all shocked and excited at the same time.

Regulus and Sirius looked back-and-forth between them and Barty before Regulus rolled his eyes in annoyance and Sirius tried to suppress his laughter bitting his lips. Both wouldn't admit it to his face but they were relieved that it was no one else but Barty

"Tell me! Regulus!" Barty said again loudly to which Regulus looked at Barty and said nothing.

Barty turned to Sirius and asked "did he really do that?!", To which Sirius looked at Regulus trying not to laugh and whispered "Yes, he did that. He kissed my best friend James Potter"

"Regulus Black, you kissed your brother's best friend James Potter!" He stated, to which Regulus tilted his head backwards in annoyance and closed his eyes

"Sirius! Regulus Black kissed James Potter!" Barty said that out loudly to Sirius as if he didn't know it before and continued speaking but the rest of what he was saying couldn't be heard which confused the brothers and before they could say anything,

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