Chapter 6

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They saw something very bright pink or someone's hair is bright pink which already made half of the hall cracked out of laughter.

The marauders was taking their time on noticing who's hair it was actually and started to break into a fit of laughter after realising it was Malfoy. The proud Malfoy who loves to show off his neatly combed long blonde hair now has a pink hair which is too bright and could be seen even from a fair distance. Serves his attention seeking self right.

All were looking at the marauders as if they know it was their doing including Malfoy who practically wants to attack them if it's not for the professors presence but they looked confused and offended at the accusations for something clearly not their doing even they would admit it was really funny and satisfying.

Professor McGonagall was looking so furious and her lips were pressed into a thin line and was walking towards them.

"Mr. Potter, Black, Lupin, Pettigrew! You all are in serious trouble right now and would be earning yourselves detention for one week for pranking a student by using a spell that would not come off with any possible removing charms and no one has no idea what time the charm would be wearing off of Mr Malfoy!" said Professor McGonagall in frustration.

"Oh come on Minnie it's not us today!" claimed James and Sirius on his side "Yeah Minnie, and come on it doesn't even make sense we pull off a prank on only one person! The marauders are not that petty to only pull of a prank on one person! We will only do it huge and extra not too small and you know it!" Sirius pointed out dramatically.

"I'm sorry for their behaviour professor but trust me professor we didn't do it this time" Remus said calmly while eyeing Sirius and James sternly with Peter just nodding to what Remus said.

Professor McGonagall know they are being honest and with Remus voicing out she decided to let them go not all of them tho, with a sigh "I trust your words Mr Lupin. But Mr Potter and Mr Black will be having detentions with whom I shall let know later for disrespecting their professor by naming them with silly names" she said which earned some groans from the boys "oh come on Minnie you love it!" both James and Sirius said at the same time earning a stare from their professor and a stomp on their feet each by Remus while he walked to the long table for breakfast with Peter trailing behind him. The pranksters looked at Malfoy and smirked thinking who's doing was it that nearly gave them the name before following their friends.

After getting out the great hall, the marauders was stopped by a furious Lucius Malfoy with his bright pink hair which they were very tempted to laugh but controlled it because he was about to say something. But what he was saying was something opposite of what they thought they would hear.

"Oh the lovely marauders who are complete geniuses had done this good thing to me!" which he himself was shocked together with the rest of his friends.

"Are you even hearing yourself Malfoy?" James laughed.

"What else have you done to me?!" he shrieked.

"For your kind information Malfoy, we didn't even do anything to have any additional thing to add on first" said Remus calmly "plus you are not a worthy target even this whole thing is so enjoyable" he added earning few gasp from the opposite group and a stunned look from his friends which he just shrugged off.

"What are you even talking about you clever half-blood, and you lots of so handsome looking baboons together!" Lucius yelled but the rest including the marauders couldn't help but laugh at this even it was meant to be an insult.

The marauders was supposed to be offended but they couldn't help the fact but to notice that whatever certain words Lucius is trying to say is changing to the opposite thing he didn't mean and his voice sounded soft which made the whole situation even funnier.

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