Chapter 17

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"Freaking Potter and his- his ughhhh!"  Regulus groaned into his pillow.

"And his stupid I-assume-things shit" Barty said annoyedly. Regulus snapped his head at Barty's direction and glared at him.

"It's the hundredth time this week Regulus or even more who knows?, need something new dude" Barty said while lying upside down from his bed.

"I wasn't going to say he-assume-things shit today!" Regulus said.

"Oh yea? Didn't know you wanted to change it to 'I'm-good-at-being-invisible' or 'I'm-good-at-hiding-and-avoiding' Potter shit" Barty said sarcastically.

"Shut up Barty. I might just hex you to show how mad I am" Regulus warned.

"Awww all so composed Black heir is losing his sanity because of the infamous Potter" Barty said to which Regulus threw a pillow on his face.

"Fine fine Regulus! Jeez!"Barty said holding the pillow that landed on his face and continued "But shouldn't you find him this time? Like seriously speaking he confessed dude! So it's only fair for you to find him and tell him what you feel! Not just come back into our dorm and curse him behind his back just because you can't see him the whole week" Barty said as it's the matter of fact.

Regulus plopped his head into his pillow once again and mumbled "not Sirius who's speaking and I shouldn't have told you! I regret it!"

"Oh come on with that lame joke! You should be pleased to have someone to talk about this in the dorm, other than Narcissa and Pandora"

Regulus didn't answer to that. He knew Barty was stating the truth but he didn't want him to know that. He felt that it's like feeding his ego more.

"Talking to Cissy and Pans about this is pleasant but with you it's seems horrible" Regulus said after the silence to which Barty just smirked, knowing his best friend is lying straight to his face.

Before Regulus could add on more, there was a knock at their dorm door. Both Regulus and Barty seemed confused about who might it be at this time. But nonetheless Barty woke up and felt dizzy for awhile, the impact of lying upside down hit him so good and that seemed to please Regulus hearing from his light chuckles when he sits straight. Barty shot him a glare and walked towards the door.

"Oh come on, what took you lots so long?" Evan said walking in not bothering to be welcomed.

"Hello Evan it's a pleasure to have you here, please come in" Barty said sarcastically and shut the door. Evan just went straight to Barty's bed and sat comfortably. Regulus just looked at this and shook his head not wanting to laugh.

"To what do we owe this pleasure Mr Evan Rosier?" Barty asked once he was in the middle of the room.

"Well nothing actually, just wanted to see you guys" he said to which Regulus and Barty just nodded. "It's Christmas in few weeks and the spirit is no where yet" he said boredly "Well it might be there but invisible for now I guess" Barty said and simply eyed Regulus who sticked his tongue out and turned away.

"I don't know about that, but we might all get a chance to meet you-know-who this Christmas! Isn't it fun?" Evan said excitedly which made Regulus now tensed and Barty noticed it but couldn't say anything to comfort Regulus for now.

"What? Aren't you guys excited?! I'm not sure about you Bart but Regulus you would definitely meet him, that's for sure heard it from my parents conversation. Might as well get the mark, wouldn't want to miss the chance would we?" Evan continued with a hushed tone, so that no one else could hear them.

Regulus looked at Evan and then at Barty, before looking at Evan and saying "Yes" with an expressionless face.

Evan seemed to notice that Regulus seems to be not interested and wanted to say something but Barty was quicker to change the subject "speaking of Christmas, Evan, it's hard to get in the you-know-what vibe when it haven't even started snowing yet, have any idea when it will start?"

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