Chapter 16

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"Gryffindors scores another goal! The match is on 60-50 at the moment!" Jordan announced energetically which gain more loud cheers from the stands especially from the Gryffindors.

"It's been over thirty minutes but there is no sign of the snitch and the seekers are pretty much still flying in circles to get their eyes on-, Oh, another 10 points for Slytherins this time! Which makes it a tie at the moment 60-60!" The announcer said with the same rhythm not losing his energy and once again the stands started to cheer more louder, but this time more on the Slytherins stands.

James who had the Quaffle on time the comment was made, fly pass one bludger towards the Slytherins goal hoops. He didn't notice that one bludger that was thrown in his direction and nearly hit him.

"Oh come on Prongs! What would you do without me?!" Sirius hit the bludger to one of the Slytherins and smirked. James smirked back and fly towards the hoops.

He threw the Quaffle which was nearly caught by Narcissa. Her fingertips touched the Quaffle but wasn't able to catch it on time.

"Another 10 points for Gryffindors scored by James Potter!" Jordan announced.

Narcissa gave him a raised eyebrow and mouthed "all the best little one" and winked at him.

James gave her an amused look and rolled his eyes "why thank you big one" he mouthed and flew away from her to get the Quaffle.

Narcissa shook her head "hope you win today Gryfinddors" she mumbled and focused on her game.

"The Slytherins' seeker seems to have seen the snitch!" Jordan said which caught everyone's attention from the goals to the the seekers.

"Oh the Gryffindors' seeker have also seen it! Both are diving towards the snitch which seems to be nearby the grounds"

James whipped his head towards the seekers and saw Regulus and also Phoebe diving fast towards the grounds to catch the snitch. 'This is it. I'm doomed' he thought but collected himself to focus on the game.

"The snitch seems to be dangerously low and the seekers are diving even faster, one late move, they would crash on the grounds" Jordan once again said which not only caught James attention but also all the players together with the audience's attention too.

Regulus on the other hand, didn't focus on his surroundings but only the small glimpse of the shining ball. He dives down and is aware that if he didn't pull up on the correct time he would crash on the grounds. But he didn't care about that for now, all he cares is the snitch and he's going to get it no matter what.

He turned behind and saw Phoebe being close and is already beside him diving together to catch the snitch.

"Too low" she commented but her eyes were on the golden ball. Seconds by seconds they are nearing the grounds and could collide with it because of the pressure they are fighting to fly towards the grounds. Regulus never took his eyes from the snitch which seems to never wants to move away from the grounds.

"Just pull up on time, so you don't get your arms broken" he warned and speed up his diving and reached his hands infront of him ready to catch the snitch because he was close.

The snitch took that moment to fly upwards from the ground which earned many gasped from the stands and also the announcer who thought the seekers are going to collide on the grounds.

James got even more anxious for Regulus and also Phoebe, "They are going to hit the grounds!" He said anxiously.

"They should slow down and pull up! the snitch moved!" He could hear Vanity shouting from the other side too.

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