Chapter 28

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"Luckily there was no other students on the scene! Or else it would have been a huge problem than it already is" Lily ranted

"Guess atleast tiny bit of luck was on our side today" Regulus said bitterly, to which Lily looked at him and tapped his shoulder giving a small smile

"To be honest, where could have he gone? Like wouldn't he always be with you guys?" Lily asked to distract Regulus a bit by stopping her steps and faced Remus

"He wasn't in our dorm today morning when we looked for him, And we finally found him in the hall today which wasn't him exactly. But at that time we thought he was up early but it was weird for him to wake up so early you know, he technically did wake up early? or did he not?" Remus frowned

"That's so weird..... It's so not-" Lily was interrupted by Regulus

"So not Sirius-like when he's at Hogwarts and Potters"

"Uh-huh" Lily agreed

All three of them finally ended up in secluded corridors after practically raiding the whole castle and there was no sign of Sirius

"It's beginning to worry me even more!" Remus said frustratedly

"Still no Sirius yet?!" Barty questioned suddenly which made all of them jump at his voice appearing out of nowhere

"Why are you here?! How's James?! You said you'll be with him!" Regulus asked getting mad at Barty for leaving James alone

"Chill dude" Barty said trying to laugh at his friend's misery, who few months ago pretended as if he doesn't care about James Potter and acted as if he doesn't know him but now he wasn't even trying to hide it at all

'what a good improvement, all thanks to James Potter' he thought before

"James Potter is fine, Madam Pomfrey is treating him and she definitely seems to not trust me being there with him! She practically throws many questions asking how, since when and more on how I became friends with Potter, which I definitely am not. Yet." Barty said so quickly where all of them needed some time to comprehend what he just said

'Yet? So he does have ulterior motives on Prongs?' Remus thought

"My answers was not convincing her, so I practically walked myself out before she kicks me out! Plus Pettigrew is there, so I thought I can help you guys on searching for Sirius instead" he continued

"Well that sounds like Madam Pomfrey, she doesn't trust any students' friends not even close friends, she's protective when it comes to students who are victims" Lily said like it was normal, and Barty seemed annoyed at that

"Well now that James is fine we shall continue looking for that Black, the big one" Lily said quickly sensing that Barty would ask 'which one' just for a laugh even tho it's obvious, she gave him a knowing look to which he just rolled his eyes getting annoyed

"Why didn't you guys split up to look for him?! It would have been easier and quick!" Barty said, to which he received looks from Remus and Lily which conveyed 'We tried but...' before looking towards Regulus

Regulus sensed all eyes were on him and suddenly he looked at them weirdly before

"Well, just to be on a safer side and to make sure no one gets hurt again" He said while looking away, to which Remus and Lily looked back at Barty giving him a 'you got your answer' look with a smile and Barty looked at them giving a 'alright' look

After, passing by two to three classes that were empty in an awfully quiet walk, Barty couldn't take it anymore

"Okay I can't do the searching thing this way!" He whined, earning a weird look from Lily and the other two just seemed annoyed

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