Chapter 25

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"Heyya boys!" Lily greeted everyone energetically

"Morning Lily!" James said with the same vibe to which Lily laughed a little and looked around seeing the rest of them looking half-dead

"Erm" Lily didn't say a word loudly but mouthing to James 'what happened?' while pointing to them to which James innocently shrugged and started eating his breakfast

Lily throw him a 'are you serious?' look at James while sitting beside Remus and filled her mug with pumpkin juice

"So, what are you guys up to?" Lily questioned since the silence was too much for her

"Hmmm?" James looked at Lily confusedly with his mouth filled with pie

"I asked what are you guys up to?"

"Nothing?" James answered even more confusedly

"Really Potter? You want me to believe that? I'm sure you guys are up to something" She said in a bored manner will biting her bun

"Seriously nothing Lily, why would you asked that?"

"Because you lots are unusually quiet"

"Seriously?!" James asked annoyingly to which Lily just raised her eyebrows and nodded confidently

"Nah, we are certainly up to n-" he was cut off by Lily


"Nothing!" James said "Jeez let me finish first!"

"Then why are you guys so quiet?" Lily smacked her hands on the table while standing up, gaining plenty of attentions from the students to which she got embarrassed and fake laughed while sitting down. James couldn't help himself but laughed at this

"Never once thought Lily flower would do something this embarrassing" he laughed

"This is nothing compared to you having your mouth agape when you are looking at little Regulus! And the worst part is you thinking nobody knows!" Lily whispered

"Hey!" James said in embarrassment and Lily just sticked her tongue out and laughed while shaking her head

"Remus" she called after awhile to which he didn't even move

"Rem" she tried again but nothing avail of getting him to answer. Eventhough she just called twice, she just don't have the patience for this

"Remus Lupin!" She called out loudly earning again attention from the others in the hall and caused Remus to jump from being shocked. Not only him but the other two marauders also jolted up in shock

"What the hell?!" Sirius and Peters exclaimed at the same time

"Lily! Why would you do that?!" Remus asked shockingly with his eyes looking irritated a little

"Well, what's with all of you? Especially you?" Lily eyed all of them before landing her eyes on Remus who rolled his eyes in annoyance

"I will very much appreciate it if you don't ask me that" Remus said while making weirdly annoyed face


"Very much Lily, very much" Remus cut Lily off and drank his pumpkin juice. Which made Lily even more curious but this time with slight hint of anger

"Potter" she called out sharply which made James to choke on his bun which he just took a bite after eating his pie

"Wha- What?!" James asked while coughing

"What the hell happened?" She asked again but this time in a calming manner with a smile which made James gulped and laughed


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