Chapter 30

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James slowly opened his eyes, finally being awake from his sleep since the afternoon. He huffed a laughter remembering how madam Pomfrey came back in and saw how chaotic Sirius and James was that she literally chased Sirius away and gave James a sleeping potion knowing that he won't be sleeping to get a good rest if she did not

He suddenly groaned when he remembered she will not let him out tomorrow morning as a punishment because he was not doing what he was supposed to do which was resting

James sighed disappointedly at how quiet the hospital wing was and he already started to feel the loneliness for the whole evening

With that he slowly got up into a sitting position without paying much attention to his surroundings. Once he got comfortable he sighed again before looking around the empty hospital wing from his left and slowly turned to his right

He suddenly gasped loudly and had his hand clutched on his chest in a shocking manner when he turned to his right, just realising that he was not alone

"Got scared Potter?" Regulus smirked tilting his head to the side a bit, James was just looking at him with his eyes still wide open in shock and didn't answer him back

Regulus raised an eyebrow waiting patiently for James to say something but he was not saying a single word and they were staring at eachother in silence for so long that it started to annoy Regulus at a point, so he got up from the chair he was sitting since he arrived there

"Well it seems like you are not in the state to talk right now, so I'll just leave" Regulus said and was about to walk away before James got out from his shocking state and grabbed Regulus by his arm

"No! Don't leave! What the hell Regulus??" James said loudly while holding Regulus tightly but not so tight to cause him pain

"You weren't answering me" Regulus said while rolling his eyes

"I was in shock!" James said and Regulus once again just rolled his eyes and stood there as if he was not interested in being there

"Oh come on! Sit down will you?!" James said and gently pulled Regulus towards him on the bed but Regulus was caught of guard by that and lost his balance, where he straight up landed on top of James' chest, half of him on James and other half was on the bed

Now it was Regulus' turn to be shock that he completely went still and inhale sharply

"Is it cozy enough for you reg?" James asked in a teasing manner after awhile of silence and Regulus just mentally face palmed and curse himself before using his arms to support him up on both side of James. He tried to just stare at James to show him he was mad but he couldn't. Instead he was trying his best to avoid looking at James' eyes which was staring directly at him intensely

Regulus could practically feel his cheeks getting hot and he was pretty sure his face is turning red little by little in the process. He didn't want James to look at that happening directly infront of him, so he tried to move away from James but he couldn't move much, just then only he realised that James' hand was at his waist holding him in place. He didn't know how and when James sneaked his hand to his waist but he now knows that James pretty much has that sly look on his face without even looking at him

He didn't even try to move after that, he just kept still with his arms supporting his weight preventing him from landing his face back into James' chest and he was very much determined to not to look at James at all, instead he set his eyes on the side table and was strong in his decision to not look away from it

James chuckled at how Regulus was trying his best not to fall on him and hiding his blushing face from him. He had no intention of letting the opportunity to tease Regulus go away just like that, so he tilted his head sidewards to the side Regulus was facing

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