Chapter 34

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"Move away kid, you need to give them some space to get out" Bellatrix said

"Excuse me miss do you think I'm nuts?" Barty asked before he felt something tapping on his shoulders which made him to inhale sharply and his eyes widen in fear

"There's a ghost Regulus! There's a ghost here! In my closet! There's a ghost in my fucking closet!" Barty yelled without even looking at the back and ran straight behind the younger black who was so anxious of what was going to happen now but felt a little calm once he saw both James who was embarrassed and Remus who looked like he had no choice but to be here

"It's ironic how you are afraid of ghost when this castle is full of lingering ghosts even with the headless one" Bellatrix commented while giving Barty a judgy look

"Hey! That's- that's totally a different case! I felt something was tapping on my shoulder-" Barty said while pointing towards his closet before stopping midway when he saw James and Remus standing there awkwardly

"Urm sorry about that Crouch" James said slowly while scratching the back of his head out of embarrassment while Barty was also looking at him with the same embarrassment. Remus on the other hand was staring at Barty in a displeased manner 'he better not be having something for prongs' he thought while getting irritated

"He won't" Bellatrix assured with a smile that was pretty much normal with her hands behind her back and Remus once again facepalmed himself for forgetting Bellatrix was here with them

"Who won't what?" Barty asked

"None of your concern crouch" Bellatrix said with a sudden cold stare and Barty was confused at this but he kept staring at her back to match her energy

"Enough both of you!" Regulus said before turning towards the two gryffindors

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!" Regulus asked while walking closer towards them but received no answers

"Potter! You know you are not supposed to be here at all, what are you doing here?" Regulus asked folding his arms while staring at James who had his head low suddenly looking even more embarrassed, and Remus just rolled his eyes at James' sudden shy behaviour

On the other side, Barty was smirking at them like how he usually do while Bellatrix was watching them like she was looking forward to what was gonna happen

"Answer me Potter" Regulus said again but this time James looked at him just to give him a small smile and scratch the back of his neck where Regulus was taken a back by that, that he had to try his best to not return the smile back

'Fuck you Potter, why are you suddenly being so cu-' he thought before 'shit!' with that he turned around to look at Bellatrix who was already looking at him with an amused look and smirking

"Can you stop reading my mind please?" Regulus asked

"Nope, I'm having fun! the only way to stop me now is for you to block me from doing it" Bellatrix said

"I'll master that soon then" Regulus replied where she just nodded with a smug look on her face to which Regulus just huffed and looked back at James

'this is embarrassing' Regulus thought

"Ehem" Regulus then cleared his throat to gain all of their attentions back "What are you guys doing here?" He asked James again but there's no point asking him now because James was zoning off while looking at him out of nowhere

"Remus?" Regulus diverted his attention towards Remus who was already looking at him with his eyes slightly widen in a worried manner who took a glance at Bellatrix before settling back at Regulus

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