Chapter 42

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“Prongs…..” Sirius called out

“Padfoot, there's no point regretting saying whatever you said and currently not doing anything to fix it” James said as a matter of fact while strolling around the school to find a perfect classroom as Regulus requested which at the current moment he haven't find one yet “do you think we could perhaps just get one empty classroom and decorate it into what reg called perfection?” he asked and turned towards Sirius who just scoffed at him in disbelief

“I am in a huge dilemma right now and you are asking me that instead of helping me!” Sirius exasperated with his hands in the air showing how frustrated he is. James then just looked at him for a fine moment before sighing 

“It's not that I don't want to help you pads, in this matter only you can help yourself but that doesn't mean I won't be supportive-”

“So you'll follow me to talk to Remus later then?!” Sirius asked hopefully cutting James off his words and James just blankly stared at him before turning away while shaking his head 

“I would follow you everywhere and anywhere you want me to go with you pads but not where Remus is right now, not when he's currently mad especially with you! I love my life a little too much for that” James said while opening a classroom that is not being used but has a potential of being the one in the future if it's treated right. So he entered the room to have a look with Sirius who followed him in right behind 

“You can't do that! please i can't do this alone”

“oh you can to do this alone pads” James said while shooting him a judgy look “you were perfectly capable of pissing him off all alone, and i have no doubt you will be able to calm him down”


“By tomorrow pads. Because tomorrow, we need moony and moony needs us. You know you will have to fix this by today itself no matter if there is a reason or not, right pads? but to your luck we do have another purpose of solving this sooner which is Marlene and Dorcas” James said with a knowing smile that the full moon is tomorrow and they wouldn't want an upset or angry Remus transforming into a werewolf because whenever that happens, he ends up getting himself wounded even more which will give him new scars that will be following him for the rest of his life

Not that James judges Remus for his scars but he is worried because each and every scar he has is a form of showing the pain that he went through during the full moon without them and James doesn't want Remus to feel any of that kind of pain anymore in his life when they are there to get him through it now

But there are some days they couldn’t prevent it from happening but most of the time they will be able to make sure Remus doesn't hurt himself more than the transformation itself does. So now he really needs to make sure Remus will be somehow okay by the end of the day and he hopes it won't affect him too much because this time the source of his pain has been Sirius 

“So you would be doing this with or without me pads, because I know you would, you always do” James said with a smile when he noticed Sirius was quiet the whole time 

“This time I fucked up alot Prongs….” Sirius said sadly, where James just couldn't help it but to laugh at that, earning an offended look from Sirius who was taken aback by James sudden laughter 

“Urm sorry but when did you not fuck up alot pads?” James asked teasingly to which Sirius just rolled his eyes before chuckling a little while agreeing 

“I know I do that alot more than intended but this is like alot alot!” 

“And you are gonna fix it, I know you can”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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