Chapter 23

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"Well mudblood why would you find Black now? Who do you think you are? You shouldn't be even calling her name out" Questioned a Slytherin boy

"I-" Lily was interrupted by a cold voice before she even starts talking

"And who do you think you are to stop someone from seeing me?" Asked Narcissa who walked pass infront of Lily

"Nar- Narcissa, I was just-" the boy was cut off halfway

"As I remember I don't even know you for you to be calling me by my given name" Narcissa said coldly

"No, it's just that this mudb-" he tried again

"Call her that again and your lips will be sealed forever"

"I-" that Slytherin tried to say something again but his friend shuts him down before he could say anything else "I'm sorry Black, he's just out of his mind"

"Know your place" she said while staring at them before turning towards Lily and grabbed her by her arm to walk away from the dungeon

"what's actually happening between everyone now?"  Lily questioned when they arrived at an empty corridor knowing they were all alone

Narcissa turned to see Lily with an raised eyebrow

"I mean what's going on? Like Sirius James Regulus and everyone now! Like what the hell is the sudden problem is about?!" Lily asked fully worried

"I don't know Evans" Narcissa said expressionlessly

"Back to Evans?" Lily asked slightly hurt which was gone unnoticed by Narcissa

"Did we even stop?" Narcissa questioned back and Lily was taken a back by that

"You know what? This is not why I'm here. Is Regulus really getting the mark?"

"I don't know what you are talking about" Narcissa said unfazed

"Oh come on Black, you don't have to cover up anymore since Regulus told Sirius about this and there's nothing to hide" Lily said bitterly and this time Narcissa eyes lost its coldness but her face did not

"I came here just for answers" Lily said looking at Narcissa blankly

"Well too bad, I don't have the answers Evans. You should ask those who are involved actually"

"You are involved"

"I am not" Narcissa said giving Lily the cold stare. Lily was even more hurt by this, she couldn't take the sudden distant she was feeling from Narcissa which she never felt before even when they were not talking.

"What happened to you?" Lily asked after few seconds of silence

"What?" Narcissa asked back

"What happened? You seem so distant. You were never like this"

"Don't act like you know me Evans" Narcissa said sharply

"You were not like this before when we were talking"

"Come on, just few minutes of talks made you think you know me? What a joke"

Lily never expected that from Narcissa and she couldn't take it anymore, she swallowed the lump that was formed in her throat and looked at Narcissa straight into her blue eyes

"Yeah, you are right. I don't know you. I only know the Narcissa Black who was kind even though she acts like she doesn't care. Who will do anything for her cousins, who acts like she holds the pureblood supremacy but actually hates it. Who low-key care for the muggleborns in her own way. Who actually few minutes ago defended me after being called by the slurred word" Lily said her voice was straining, she couldn't accept Narcissa's small attitude change towards her.

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